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Thursday September 26th 2024

‘Health’ Archives

Out In The Backyard CHAT (OIBY) 2013 Achievements!

Out In The Backyard CHAT (OIBY) 2013 Achievements!

  Conducted over 200 classes in Zumba, Yoga, Hip-hop, Bollywood, Self-defense, nutrition and more in partnership with Minneapolis”'s Powderhorn Park and East Phillips Park Community Centers 9 Circle of Healing groups  Hosted 5 Community Dinners and 11 Community Potlucks Wrote 2 articles in The Alley Newspaper Organized two major community events - Holi and Dandiya festivals Participated at Powderhorn 24, Pride Festival, Midtown Global Market Music Festival, Allina”'s research studies Participated in health care survey with Rainbow Health Initiative Participated over 40 times in various BYI meetings such as BYI Commission, BYI Assessment Committee, BYI Research Committee, and monthly All-CHAT meetings. In 2014: OIBY is getting ready for a fun 2014. Brain games and LGBT documentary movies (DVDs) have been purchased for game and movie nights in 2014.  We have over 500 likes in Facebook and we are growing every month. We have an interactive [...]

Rebirthing Community CHAT ~ Communities Of Light Co-Operative

Rebirthing Community CHAT ~ Communities Of Light Co-Operative

Solar Generator Workshop Communities of Light Co-operative, (COL) created the co-op, its workshops and products to help members achieve personal solvency and self-sufficiency as gateways to eliminate isolation, improve physical and spiritual health of the BYI communities.  The co-op model empowers members with tools for energy conservation and independence and experience in new business models and entrepreneurial opportunities.  It also provides the means for employment, financial solvency, and self-sufficiency. Rebirthing Community is a strong spoke in the BYI CHAT wheel.  We looked at the socio-economic status of the community and assessed that we are healthy when we have personal solvency and self-sufficiency. Our community is in need of these gateways in order to improve physical and spiritual health. We reached out to our network of internal/external consultants, co-op members, etc. to create a viable model.  For example: MADDADS provide workshop participants [...]

Somali Women”'s Health

Somali Women”'s Health

Our chat is most proud of coordinating Friday Somali girls group Monthly women empowerment group Educational training on drugs and the justice system.  We also host crime prevention activities which include cleaning up streets in our neighborhoods. (Photo right) Information table at Somali Women”'s Health event

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