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Saturday July 20th 2024

‘Miscellany’ Archives

Dream of wild health

Dream of wild health

IN THE COMMUNITY Garden Warriors at the Four Sisters Farmers Market, left to right, back row: Nicole, Chef Brian Yazzie and Tristan. Bottom: Belen, Zoey and Callista. Meet St. Croix Ojibwe member Neely M. Snyder, who works as the executive director at Dream of Wild Health. How did you get involved in Dream of Wild Health?  Snyder: I”™ve always been a huge fan of Dream of Wild Health. I have volunteered at the farm, and was always impressed with the youth leaders doing good work in the community. It is my passion to work toward building stronger, healthier Native communities.  What is this organization important?  Dream of Wild Health works to restore health and well-being in the Native community by recovering knowledge of and access to healthy Indigenous foods, medicines and lifeways. This is important to our community because health inequities in Native American communities are the result of intentional efforts to displace Native people from [...]

Peace House community: Getting involved

By Marti Malby “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” -Edmund Burke I first encountered that quotation when I read Bob Geldof”™s autobiography “Is That It?” Geldof had reached the part of his story where his band, “The Boomtown Rats,” couldn”™t get any of their songs on the radio and he personally was almost broke. One night he saw a news story about the famine occurring in Ethiopia at the time and he decided he needed to do something. He called some other musicians in the hope of recording a song and donating the proceeds (which he expected to be measures in hundreds of dollars) to the famine relief efforts.  As some of you know, the group he put together became known as Band-Aid, which spawned USA for Africa, the Live-Aids concerts and many other projects. Literally billions of dollars of charity can be traced to one man who did a little because he thought it was [...]

Hobbes in the House: Men abuse women because they can

Hobbes in the House: Men abuse women because they can

By DWIGHT HOBBES You can find all kinds of think-tank rationalization as to why men beat women.  You can, as well, find study upon as study as to why Black women are killed by Black men at a rate almost three times higher than the death rate at which White women are killed by domestic violence.  Among the “reasons” cited are things like abusive men being, themselves, victims.  Victims of, for instance, low self-esteem.  Poor role modeling.  Cultural conditioning.  Alcoholism.  There are other excuses, but these will do as a general frame of reference. Importantly, you can find respected professionals who come up with such causes for men battering and killing their wives and girlfriends.  I went looking on the Internet and almost immediately came across an article in that highly regarded monthly magazine Ebony.  The article by Marchel”™le Renise Barber reads, “Dr. Nathan Hare, a clinical psychologist and sociologist in [...]

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