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Tuesday July 23rd 2024

‘Miscellany’ Archives

March 2017 Alley Newspaper

March 2017 Alley Newspaper

February 2017 Alley Newspaper

February 2017 Alley Newspaper

Virtual Community News Adds “Market Hours”

Some ask, “Why is a newspaper called The Alley? Part of the answer lies in the idea that we still need conversations that happen over the neighbor”'s fence, by the garage, shooting baskets, or fixing a bike.  Things happen in the backyards along the alleys.  Alleys are the place where straight talk happens without pretense. Others ask, “Where is The Alley Newspaper office”? The Alley Newspaper was named 41 years ago when it began.  It hasn”'t had an office for over 16 years. It has a virtual office and operates more or less as a virtual organization.  The dictionary says: “A virtual office is one where the work force includes a significant proportion of workers using technology to perform their work at home. “A virtual company uses computers and telecommunications technologies to extend its capabilities by working routinely with people throughout the neighborhood, city, and world to accomplish mutually beneficial [...]

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