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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday July 24th 2024

‘Miscellany’ Archives

MLK Day Town Hall Meeting Addressing Islamophobia!

MLK Day Town Hall Meeting Addressing Islamophobia!

New Food and Beverage Choices Coming to Abbott Northwestern Hospital

BY ALISON PENCE, Director of Community Engagement ”“ West Metro, Allina Health On December 1st, Abbott Northwestern Hospital and Allina Health announced that they were putting into action a new food and beverage policy starting in 2016. These changes will include removing sugary drinks and deep-fat fried foods from all cafeterias, vending machines and gift shops. As part of this change, the hospital has terminated the lease with the McDonald”'s that has been located inside the hospital for many years. The McDonald”'s will close by the end of May. The decision to create a policy such as this one and to remove the McDonald”'s restaurant was not one that was made easily or quickly. For many years, both Allina Health and Abbott Northwestern Hospital have been looking at the role that lifestyle choices make in the health of our patients, their families, our staff and community members. We know that this change will have an impact on the options available in our [...]

The Dream is Coming True!

BY DENNY BENNETT When I woke up on January 1st, and reflected on 2015, I smiled, as I re-assured myself, that, no, it wasn”'t just a dream, it really is happening! As I write this, the city”'s finest construction companies are submitting their bids to build the new Phillips Aquatics Center! Master plans have been drawn up and ratified, and construction will begin in May! Ventura Village generously voted to provide an additional $80,000 in funding through the City to the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board earmarked specifically toward the addition of a small 3rd warm-water, therapy pool. To distinguish this from the 4-lane, 25 yard, warm water pool already in the plans, I”'ll describe (my words) the 3rd pool as a “hot-tube” or “whirlpool spa”. A very nice addition indeed! Of course, there is the necessary bureaucracy before this is a “done deal.” The Minneapolis Parks Foundation recognized Minneapolis Swims for our efforts [...]

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