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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday July 17th 2024

‘Miscellany’ Archives

‘Tis The Season To Be Distressed. Or Not.

‘Tis The Season To Be Distressed. Or Not.

By MARY ELLEN KALUZA Despite what marketing executives would have us believe, the Holiday Season is not a warm, carefree, cozy time for many, if not most of us. It is a season packed with stress—emotional stress, time stress, expectation stress, financial stress—the list goes on, much of it related to gift-giving. A lot of our gift-giving is about wanting others to love us, or our own self-esteem. How many of the grandparents reading this, feel like buying gifts for a grandchild is a competition with the other set of grandparents? Or, are you parents competing with an ex-spouse for children's love? Would you like to stop the whole family gift exchange because it is a financial burden, but your better-off siblings don’t? Studies show that we get more happiness and long-lasting memories out of experiences rather than material objects. Spend a minute right now and scan your memories. Do you find long gone stuff in there, or do you find time with someone you loved? One [...]

Support the alley on Give to the Max Day! Thursday November 18th.

The Alley is the community newspaper of the Phillips Community in Minneapolis. We serve more than 20,000 residents, and many businesses, agencies, schools, and visitors to Phillips. Now in our 45th year of publication, we continue to be a forum of ideas, information, and announcements, all directed at the variety of individuals and groups who are part of this neighborhood. The Alley is the only paper to concentrate exclusively on the Phillips Community. This allows us to cover in-depth the issues and stories that matter to the people who live here. The Alley is a non-profit organization; our mission is to provide a place where voices that are often ignored by the mainstream media can be heard. The Alley counters the often negative portrayal of our community with the narrative of its residents that offer a more balanced documentation of the Phillips community. We encourage community involvement in all aspects of creating the paper. We want the voices of Phillips to be heard. If you are [...]

City Moves Forward with Public Works Expansion in Phillips; Neighbors Continue Fight for Environmental Justice

City Moves Forward with Public Works Expansion in Phillips; Neighbors Continue Fight for Environmental Justice

By LINDSEY FENNER The Minneapolis City Council voted to continue the Hiawatha Maintenance Facility expansion at the Roof Depot site at 1860 E 28th St on a narrow 7-6 vote. The approved plan, put forward by Ward 1 CM Kevin Reich, is a reversal of the previous Council directive to halt the Public Works expansion project in East Phillips. Community members, led by the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI), have protested for years against this project, putting forward an alternative vision for an Indoor Urban Farm at the 7-acre Roof Depot site. Reich’s proposal came as a surprise to Urban Farm supporters, including Ward 9 CM Cano. The passed proposal, which was “Option B” of four potential plans presented to the City Council over the summer, moves the City Water Yard facility from it’s crumbing building in Northeast to East Phillips, demolishes the Roof Depot building that community activists had wanted to use as an indoor urban farm, removes a proposed training [...]

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