‘Miscellany’ Archives
2010 Minnesota American Indian Month Kickoff Parade and Celebration Friday, April 30th 9 AM
Minnesota American Indian month began as American Indian week in 1969 as a way to educate the broader community about American Indian people and cultures. More than 40 years later, south Minneapolis continues to be an important neighborhood in the urban American Indian community. The 2010 Minnesota American Indian Month Kickoff celebrates the special role American Indians have played in south Minneapolis and throughout Minnesota. Over 1,000 participants will be involved from around the metro, state, and region in the largest Indian Month celebration in the state. The Banner Unveiling is of newly designed banners to be installed from Chicago Avenue to 16th Ave. The banners were a joint project between Native American Community Development Institute, Ventura Village, and Franklin Avenue Business Association. 9:00 AM Gather/Opening Ceremony Cedar Field ”“ Little Earth of United Tribes, Cedar Ave. and 25th St. 10:00 AM Parade of Nations Community Walk Cedar [...]
Lake Street Council Annual Meeting

by Joyce Wisdom and Chris Oien We had a great annual meeting on Tuesday March 16th! One of our favorite activities at this event is recognizing some of the many businesses and individuals who help make Lake Street great. This year we gave out six awards. Community Responsibility Awards went too Gandhi Mahal, Top Shelf, and Kathee Foran from In the Heart of the Beast Theatre. Capacity Building Awards went to Highpoint Center for Printmaking and Midtown Global Market”'s Taste Bud Tart. And our Startup & Innovation Award went to Sauce Spirits & Soundbar. Congratulations to all our awardees! Six people were elected to the Lake Street Council board. Council Member Gary Schiff, Marty Shimko from US Bank, and Debbie Tucker from Hennepin County were all re-elected for three year terms. Nubberd Gonzalez from Goodwill Easter Seals, Joe Gilpin from Wells Fargo, and and Trung Pham from Pham”'s Deli were newly elected to the board. To close, we featured a panel on [...]
Anti-Arsenic Arsenal + Absorption + Art = Amelioration

By Nicholas Riggers Signs led to stories”¦ Shortly after moving to Seward I began to notice the Superfund Cleanup signs sporadically placed throughout the neighborhood and started to begin doing some research into what the Superfund was and why the EPA was here and after discovering that the area apparently had dangerously high levels of Arsenic I wanted to create a piece of artwork that would address the cleanup process. Initially I was interested in interviewing residents and then collecting their stories and turning those stories into artwork, and I did a small piece on that, but residents were some what hesitant to talk. Now that its spring and the cleanup process is starting its 2010 work, I”'m going to try going door to door again and attending community meetings in the hope of collecting more stories. Research led to sunflowers, mustard and ferns”¦ In early January I started to do some research and discovered that certain plants have the ability to [...]