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Thursday July 18th 2024

‘Neighborhood News’ Archives

City Denies Neighborhood Initiative, Disregards Laws and Guidelines, and Threatens Housing

City Denies Neighborhood Initiative, Disregards Laws and Guidelines, and Threatens Housing

By FORMER STATE REPRESENTATIVE KAREN CLARK and STATE SENATOR PATRICIA TORRES RAY Neighbors demonstrate their work and support of the EPNI Initiative recently at the corner of 28th Street and Longfellow Ave.PHOTO ELIZABETH CAMPBELL East Phillips Neighborhood, the lowest-income neighborhood in Minneapolis, where the majority of residents are indigenous and people of color, ironically designated by the city of Minneapolis as a “Green Opportunity Zone” ”” was declared a federal “residential arsenic superfund site” in 2000. Industrial arsenic pesticide contamination was found in more than 500 homes in the area. To compound the situation, the city threatened to use “eminent domain” to take control of a large, prime development site, known as the “Roof Depot,” with the intention of turning it into a storage yard ”” a place to relocate the entire Department of Public Works Water Yards. The site will be used to store [...]

Clyde Bellecourt, “Keith Ellison, crisis in Phillips! Join us in mutual pursuit of justice!”

Clyde Bellecourt, “Keith Ellison, crisis in Phillips! Join us in mutual pursuit of justice!”

Nee Gonn Way Wee Dun ”˜Thunder Before the Storm”™ A.K.A Clyde Bellecourt, Co-Founder of American Indian Movement March 9, 2020 Dear Attorney General Keith Ellison, Thank you for your attention to this crisis in our Community. East Phillips, as you know, is the most diverse neighborhood in all of Minneapolis. It is also the poorest on the South Side and the most overburdened with pollution from arsenic, lead, and airborne pollution from freeways, cars, and trucks as well as industrial pollution from a foundry and an asphalt plant. All of this is well documented, and results in more emergency room visits from asthma, more cases of children with lead poisoning, and more incidences of other ailments such as heart disease that are also linked to pollutants in the air. When the 230,000 square foot Sears Warehouse occupied by Roof Depot Co. came up for sale, the Neighborhood; led by Little Earth of United Tribes, Tamales y Bicycletas, Somali Chemical [...]

Palm Sunday Peace Processional April 5th

Palm Sunday Peace Processional April 5th

By PATRICK CABELLO HANSEL, St. Paul”™s Church 15th & 28th Palm Sunday Peace Processional 2019 PHOTO PATRICK CABELLO HANSEL St. Paul”™s will host its annual Palm Sunday Procession for Peace on Sunday, April 5. We will march to places of pain and joy in Phillips, stopping to pray, to remember and to reclaim spaces that have been taken by forces who consider human life cheap. The procession starts at 12 noon at St. Paul”™s, 2742 15th Ave S. For more info, call 612-724-3862 or e-mail

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