News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday October 21st 2024

EARTH”'S AXIS ALIGNED @ 3:09AM utc* 9/23/2010 AWESOME AUTUMN ACTIVITIES BEGIN Franklin to & Lake St.

By Harvey Winje

At 3:09 AM September 23, 2010, the Earth”'s axis tilted so that it was not away from or towards the Sun. The Earth”'s Equator came in alignment with the center of the Sun. On that date, day and night were of approximate equal time called the equinox. [Equinox, derived from Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night)]. Anticipating longer nights, people have begun planning and filling calendars with gatherings and events to garner enough celebration and camaraderie for sustenance during the winter months”“like squirrels gathering nuts for the winter.  The Alley announces many events from which to choose in this issue.  Pick enough so you don”'t lose.  There will be plenty of time to snooze. * *UTC Coordinated Universal Time used for many Internet and WWW standards, in aviation, weather forecasting, etc to avoid confusion about time zones and daylight savings; colloquially as “Zulu Time.

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Searching ”“ A Serial Novelle Chapter 19: (“I will go with you.”)

By Patrick Cabello Hansel

When Angel and Luz came back into Denny”'s, Mother Light and Ana had left. Such is the wisdom of love. The cards were put away, and the plates of food on the table were in their original uneaten state, growing cold. Angel stood before the remnant of that strange Guadalupe night and said, “I”'m sorry. I kind of destroyed the mood.” He and Luz sat down, next to each other, almost holding hands, almost leaning into each other.

If you had magical powers of listening to thoughts, here”'s what you would have heard inside each of our players:

Angel: “I know there is something in me that is broken. I need to keep searching””for it, and for whatever is out there that is meant for me. I can”'t do it alone. But I”'m afraid to ask.”

Luz: “I love this man so, but I don”'t really know him. I”'m not afraid of being hurt. I”'m afraid that I will hold back, give just a piece of my heart, pretend I don”'t care.”

Augusto, Angel”'s dad: “My son carries the weight of our heart scarred people. I never took the time to get to know him. I hope my words touch, but not tear.”… Read the rest “Searching ”“ A Serial Novelle Chapter 19: (“I will go with you.”)”

P.T. Barnum Circus”' elephants, tigers, tents, and Tom Thumb, amidst urban, pioneer, frugal splendor “paints” image of the Layman Family and their Cedar Avenue homestead

The exquisite, yet frugal, homestead of Martin and Elizabeth Layman”'s home on Cedar Avenue including sideyard and barn that hosted P.T. Barnum Circus tents, animals, and Tom Thumb on visits to Mpls.

by Sue Hunter Weir

When Martin and Elizabeth Layman arrived in Minnesota in 1852-53, they set up housekeeping in a log cabin. It was a tight fit. They had ten children at the time and three more after they arrived. In 1857, Martin Layman built what is believed to be the sixth permanent house in what later became Minneapolis.

There is no question that the Laymans worked hard, and they certainly prospered. In addition to owning the cemetery, they had a large farm where they grew fruit and vegetables. They sold their surplus food as well as wheat and oats that they grew. They sold the hay that they mowed and gathered in the cemetery. The sons hired out to work on other farms during the harvest season. They raised their own farm animals and sheared sheep for their neighbors. If there was work to be done, the Laymans could be counted on to do it.

In 1876, the Martin and Elizabeth Layman built their dream house directly across the street from the cemetery”'s gates near what is now the intersection of Cedar Avenue and Lake Street.… Read the rest “P.T. Barnum Circus”' elephants, tigers, tents, and Tom Thumb, amidst urban, pioneer, frugal splendor “paints” image of the Layman Family and their Cedar Avenue homestead”

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