News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

Taco Salad Monday

Guest writer, Courtney Algeo, contributor at the blog All The Tacos I Have Loved, Click here to read the original post from All The Tacos I Have Loved.

True confession: Until Monday I”'d never had a taco salad. Why? Because when I go for a taco I am essentially saying, “Yes, I would like about three handfulls of meat. Radishes on the side.” When I go for a salad, that”'s a totally different story. That is a time when I am essentially saying, “I”'m feeling kind of gross lately.” It had never occurred to me to stop compartmentalizing my eating until Monday when a friend said to me, “Come get taco salad. It”'s Taco Salad Monday at La Loma in the Midtown Global Market on Lake Street.”

Okay, I know that Taco Salad Monday doesn”'t have quite the same ring to it as Taco Tuesday, but cheap tacos is cheap tacos no matter what it”'s called.

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Food Obsession: B.S.T.P.

by Jane Thomson

Bring Something To Pass ”“ a potluck.

The first recipe is from my daughter Rose. Some years ago, when she was a teenager, I was out of the kitchen for long periods of time, and not hanging over her telling what to do. She made some cookies that won a prize at the Sherburne County Fair (we lived in Elk River at the time). Of course, I have kidded her endlessly about the time she made pancakes on a warming tray and wondered why they were taking so long to get done.

This recipe is from her fairly recently, in her adult years. These days I have more to learn from Rose than to teach her.

CURRIED TUNA SALAD – about 8 or 10 potluck side-dish servings
2 cans tuna packed in water
1 red bell pepper
¾ of a purple onion
1 apple
2 stalks celery
2 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons of curry powder
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tsp. black pepper
1 teaspoon honey or sugar
½ teaspoon dried dill
¼ cup mayonnaise
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon vinegar, preferably balsamic
dash of cumin

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