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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Sunday September 1st 2024

2010 Minnesota American Indian Month Kickoff Parade and Celebration Friday, April 30th 9 AM

Minnesota American Indian month began as American Indian week in 1969 as a way to educate the broader community about American Indian people and cultures. More than 40 years later, south Minneapolis continues to be an important neighborhood in the urban American Indian community.

The 2010 Minnesota American Indian Month Kickoff celebrates the special role American Indians have played in south Minneapolis and throughout Minnesota.

Over 1,000 participants will be involved from around the metro, state, and region in the largest Indian Month celebration in the state.

The Banner Unveiling is of newly designed banners to be installed from Chicago Avenue to 16th Ave. The banners were a joint project between Native American Community Development Institute, Ventura Village, and Franklin Avenue Business Association.

9:00 AM Gather/Opening Ceremony

Cedar Field ”“ Little Earth of United Tribes, Cedar Ave. and 25th St.

10:00 AM Parade of Nations Community Walk

Cedar Field to Minneapolis American Indian Center/Wakiagun Lawn

11:00 AM American Indian Cultural Corridor Banner Unveiling

E. Franklin Ave. and 11th St.

11:30 AM Veterans and Warriors Dedication

Minneapolis American Indian Center/Wakiagun Lawn

12:00 PM Community Photo

Minneapolis American Indian Center/Wakiagun Lawn

12:30 PM Feast/Live Music

Minneapolis American Indian Center/Wakiagun Lawn

Related Images:

Phillips Unites on Pool and Gym Use & Defeat of MPRB Burying Pool under Concrete

Olympic size pool built with Model City money in 1974 that”'s future is in the throes of budgetary/politico squalor. The question remains; “Will it all be money down the drain?”.

A Commentary by Robert Albee

Two words went out over the internet the evening of March 25th: “We won!” The truth of the matter is that the Phillips Community has only secured a delay in the destruction of the swimming pool at the Phillips Community Center. The April 1st “destruction day” was announced earlier in a telephone call from Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB) Commissioner Scott Vreeland. He confirmed a March 11th email sent from Park Board staff member Andrew Lesch to a Mid Town Phillips resident and neighborhood association board member.

In that email, Lesch wrote: “I”'m the project manager for the current renovations at Phillips Community Center. This phase involves replacement of the heating, cooling and ventilation system with new roof top units, roof replacement of the upper roof and in fill of the former pool shell for re-use in the future.”

Those were the words that began a cascade of emails and telephone calls to the MPRB from Phillips Community residents and others upset with that decision.… Read the rest “Phillips Unites on Pool and Gym Use & Defeat of MPRB Burying Pool under Concrete”

“For little fellers, not the Rockefellers”¦the improvement of people”'s lives”¦the cause of peace and justice.” ”“Paul Wellstone

Gera Pobuda artist, teacher and organizer created this acrylic paint enhanced screen print of Senator Paul Wellstone and donated it to be hung in the Community Center of Hope Community on the NE corner of the Franklin and Portland Avenues intersection.

“I”'m for the little fellers, not the Rockefellers. Politics is not about power. Politics is not about money. Politics is not about winning for the sake of winning. Politics is about the improvement of people”'s lives. It”'s about advancing the cause of peace and justice in our country and the world. Politics is about doing well for the people.” Paul Wellstone”'s voice and life that spoke and lived those words was silenced seven and one-half years ago in a plane crash that killed him, Sheila, his wife, Marcia, his daughter, and five others.*

On Friday, March 19th, Gera Pobuda, artist, organizer, and teacher, unveiled the stunning screen-print portrait she had made of him and is donating to Hope Community. It will be hung on the wall of the Community Center in their newest building on the northeast corner of Franklin and Portland and named for Sheila and Paul Wellstone.

Fittingly, she seems to have been “commissioned” to paint this as a grassroots organizer would be so inspired to do.… Read the rest ““For little fellers, not the Rockefellers”¦the improvement of people”'s lives”¦the cause of peace and justice.” ”“Paul Wellstone”

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