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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Saturday July 27th 2024

Health Assessment Leads to Health Action Teams

By Janice Barbee, Cultural Wellness Center

Thank you to all the residents who participated in the Listening Circles and the Walk-Around door-to-door or telephone interviews.
Gracias a todos los residentes que participaron en los grupos de pláticas y en la encuesta, en persona o por teléfono.
Waxaan u mahadcelineynaa dhamaan dadki kasoo qeyb galeen fikrad isweydaarsigi iyo wareysi xaafadaha oo ka dhacay xaafadaha kamid ah Phillips, Powderhorn Park , Central iyo Corcoran.
BYI Assessment Completed

The implementation of the health assessment of Backyard residents is now complete. The Listening Circles were completed in September and the Walk-around, where community residents hired by Wilder Research interviewed community residents about their health, was completed in January. Over 650 interviews were completed, in person or by phone.

In accordance with one of the principles that guide the Backyard Initiative community engagement, “Any assessment of needs or assets, strengths or weaknesses, must be done by residents or with residents,” the assessment process has been planned, guided by, and implemented from start to finish by residents of the Backyard area. For the residents who were involved in conducting the door to door and telephone interviews the process has been engaging and full of insight. Stories from this process and the information from both the Listening Circles and the Walk-around will be shared in upcoming reports.… Read the rest “Health Assessment Leads to Health Action Teams”

February Phillips What? Where? Contest

Answer these any 3 of the following 5 questions correctly and win a chance for a drawing of a $10.00 Gift Certificate at Welna Hardware 2438 Bloomington Avenue. After Mt. Sinai Hospital closed the Mpls.
1. Phillips Neighborhood was named for Jay Phillips owner of a large liquor distribution company and philanthropist to Mt. Sinai Hospital and the Phillips Eye Institute. True or False?
2. The Minneapolis-Moline factory stood where one of the following is now. Which is it?
A. McDonalds B. Little Earth C. Target D. Garbage Transfer Station
3. Candy bars were made in the old factory by the Pearson Candy Company (maker of Nut Goodies, Pearson Nut Roll, and other bars) after the White Motor Company did a hostiletake-over of Mpls.-Moline Co. in 1963 eliminating all pensions for workers. True or False?
4. Who was the Owner of Dan Patch who also had a mail order catalog company?
A. Mr. Sears B. Mr. Savage C. Mrs. Pillsbury D. Mr. Peavey, the famous race horse, who lived in a carriage house in Phillips.
5. Was that home at Franklin and Park Avenues? Or 26th and Portland? That townhouse-mansion was torn down for an apartment building which was torn down for which of the following?… Read the rest “February Phillips What? Where? Contest”

What”'s Up at the Franklin Library-February 2010

By Erin Thomasson
All Ages
Make a Valentine
Fri., Feb. 12, 3:30 p.m.
All ages. Create shimmery, glittery valentines for family and friends! All the shine and glimmer will be provided. We will also be sharing Valentine”'s Day stories.
Children”'s Programs
Cuentos y Canciones/World Language Storytime: Spanish
Thur., Feb. 4”“Feb. 25, 6 p.m.
Para niños de 2 años en adelante. Comparta y disfrute con sus niños libros, cuentos, rimas y música en español. *
For children ages 2 & up. Share books, stories, rhymes and music in Spanish.
Waxbarasho iyo Ciyaar Caruureed Af-Soomaali ah/Somali Play and Learn
Fri., Feb. 5, 10:30 a.m.
Kids through preschool. Dhammaan caruurta ka yar da”' dugsi. Ka soo qaybgal sheekooyin caruur, heeso iyo hawlo waxbarasho. Join us for stories, songs and activities! ******
What Can You Do With Money?
Fri., Feb. 5, 4 p.m.
Grades 4-5. Want to buy that new video game or doll? Or would you like to save, invest or share it with those less fortunate than you? Develop a financial plan and learn how best to use your money to reach that goal. **
Kids Book Club
Fri., Feb. 26, 4 p.m.
Grades 4-6. Join other kids to talk about a great book! … Read the rest “What”'s Up at the Franklin Library-February 2010”

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