Food Obsession: FOOD AND CLASS
Recently I read an article in the November 29 Newsweek that claimed that eating habits and tastes are the new dividers of social class in America. Well-off people can choose pure, organic, out-of-season and hard-to-find-foods, as they have access to high-end stores that carry these things and the money to buy them when they are there. These foods are usually nutritious, delicious and satisfying. One woman cited in the article felt she was doing her part to make the world a better place by demanding such foods for herself and her family. Meanwhile, the poor go to a convenience store or a huge supermarket and get the cheapest foods sold in quantity and featured in coupons and price deals, foods that give quick satisfaction, little real nutrition and a load of calories.
It doesn”'t have to be this way. At Cedar Food and Grill, the grocery store at East 26th Street and Cedar Avenue, “Mo” is making sure that there are fresh fruits and vegetables and other wholesome foods available for his mostly low-income customers. Wholesome foods, some even organic, can be found at some huge supermarkets. Your backyard or community garden will yield organic and locally grown foods. Canning and freezing will make them last, with none wasted.… Read the rest “Food Obsession: FOOD AND CLASS”
What Democracy Looks Like
by Peter Molenaar
From the November/December issue of “Teamster” magazine:
Did you know that more than 750 Teamster women recently marched through downtown Minneapolis, coloring the city in a sea of pink and black rally signs? The chant “We”'re Teamsters! We fight! We fight for workers”' rights!” was amplified by sky-scraper acoustics. The refrain “Workers ”˜Yes”', Wall Street ”˜No”'” echoed”¦
The photo-journalist who covered the 2010 Teamsters Women”'s Conference depicted the event with a multi-racial/multi-national collage. One beaming face was adorned by the Muslim hajib. Message: no order of prejudicial exclusion is to be tolerated by our union movement.
Did you know that some 600 Teamsters National Black Caucus members recently walked gallantly through the streets of Washington, D.C.? “Civil rights and workers”' rights go hand-in hand” was the theme. The 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King”'s “I Have A Dream” speech was commemorated.
Truthfully, every page of the “Teamster” depicts the face of democracy.
In his lead article “Corporations Vs. Working Americans”, General President James P. Hoffa states:
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