News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

Mpls. Swims Plunges in With Pool Proposal to Park Board

By Robert Albee

Citing statistics of persons of color and low incomes drowning in the Land of 10,000 Lakes prompted Minneapolis Swims and the Phillips Community Parks Initiative (PCPI) into pushing the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB) toward supporting a proposal to enable them to pursue independent funding to restore the 75”' pool located in the now-closed Phillips Community Center building, scheduled for reopening in February, 2011.

Minneapolis Swims is the brainchild of East Phillips residents Hannah and Kevin Lieder who have begun efforts to organize Phillips residents and stakeholders for the effort needed to get the pool up, running and sustainable. Hannah, a swimming instructor at the Mid-Town YWCA has long sought the opportunities to get a better handle on the life-skills of water safety and fun associated with recreational swimming.

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Phillips What? Where? Contest!

Guess What and Where this is (below) and get a chance to be in a drawing for $10. Gift Certificate to Welna Hardware. Call 612-990-4022 or

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Readers may decide “The Rest of the Story” of Ruff Neff may be hopeful

Layman”'s Cemetery Gates, ca. 1936. Photo courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society. The restored gates on the Cedar Avenue and Lake Street sides of the cemetery as well as the section of fence behind the Cedar Avenue bus stop are off to the shops to be restored. They are scheduled to be reinstalled on, or around, December 10th. We are still raising working on raising funds to restore the remaining sections of the fence.

by Sue Hunter Weir

In 1909, when she was 15 years old, Ruth Neff was arrested for indecent conduct. After that, things went straight down hill. She was sent to a reform school for a few months but her mother managed to persuade the court to let Ruth out on parole. According to her mother, Ruth had always been a difficult child. Ruth”'s parents separated shortly after she was born because, in the words of her mother, Ruth”'s father had become “more or less dissipated.” In order to support herself and her four children, Ruth”'s mother had to work. Ruth did poorly in school and often skipped class. One of her teachers described Ruth “as not quite normal mentally.” The same teacher admitted that they”'d promoted Ruth “to simply get her on in school.”… Read the rest “Readers may decide “The Rest of the Story” of Ruff Neff may be hopeful”

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