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Friday March 14th 2025

Searching ”“ A Serial Novelle Chapter 21: “Most Like A Miracle”

By Patrick Cabello Hansel

Confusing feelings roiled around Angel”'s heart, like cold, fierce winter winds. Winds with faces, with teeth and intent. Anger, jealousy, fear, hope, doubt. What he had learned in the last hour was stunning. His mother, the gentlest soul he had ever known, had been forced into an unwelcome marriage, or worse. Sold, at an age younger than he was now. His father, the only one he”'d known, the one he had just last night really talked with for the first time, was not his biological father. That man, part of this tangled mess that issued from Mateo Kelly, was surely a bad man. But what kind of a bad man, and what did that mean for Angel?

“So my real father”¦” Angel began.

His mom interrupted. “This is your real father, mi hijo”.

“Yes, I know that, Mom. It”'s just that …well, this other man, my biological father”¦ he was some kind of outlaw?”

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by Jane Thomson

I don”'t aim to be a collector, but somehow have acquired at least 100 cookie cutters, of all sizes, some 100 years old, including shapes observant of almost any holiday. While on the subject of size, make cookies of all sizes; but for best results (all done, none burned) bake cookies of the same size and thickness on the same sheet. Grandchildren love to make cookies. We made some with my then 2 ½ year-old grandson last Christmas ”“ two adults were in charge, with plastic on the floor. The cookies were very interesting, and quite edible. I don”'t know where I got this recipe, but it is fairly recent.

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Red & Howl

James Franco in Howl

Summit Entertainment
Southdale Mega 16 (10)
Running Time: 111 minutes
Languages: English, Russian
Director: Robert Schwentke

This was a nice mix of cast with action master Bruce Willis, Oscar winners Helen Mirren (“The Queen”), Morgan Freeman (“Million Dollar Baby”), Richard Dreyfuss (“The Goodbye Girl”), versatile Brian Cox, likable John Malkovich and the elder statesman, Ernest Borgnine (“Marty”).

Bruce Willis plays Frank Moses, a retired CIA assassin living almost a recluse life except for phone contacts with Sarah (Mary Louise Parker). Frank gets wind that hired assassins are out to kill him to prevent any possibilities that any secrets leak out. To counteract the assassination attempts, he kidnaps Sarah for her own protection and organizes his own commandos ”“ six in all. Marvin Boggs (John Malkovich), Joe (Morgan Freeman), Victoria (Helen Mirren) are members of Moses”' counter-attack.

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