Is war opposition a crime?
By Josie Winship
When did Opposing War, become a crime in this country?
A “witch hunt” is being held in the name of “Homeland Security.”
On Sept. 24th 2010 the FBI raided the homes of eight Twin City peace and international solidarity leaders and the office of The Mpls. St.Paul Anti-War Committee. Some of them were involved in organizing the legal protest at the Republican National Convention in 2008.
According to the FBI, these individuals were looking for “evidence of material support for terrorism charges.” This is absurd and undemocratic. Three, of the eight peace activists, are being subpoenaed by the Department of “Justice” to appear before the grand jury.
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Two Faces
By Peter Molenaar
I must be loosing it. Damn rabbit ears”¦maybe this way”¦no, nothing. What is up with this new thin screen HD television? No more political attack ads? Arrghh.
Seriously, many of these ads have the effect of splashing acid on the opponent”'s face. An ugly caricature is created. T.P.- G.O.P. types appear to be more proficient in the art.
The series of ads produced by Mark Dayton”'s people were more positive. They included visual-bites of an industrial scenario set at Smith Foundry (located in East Phillips). My co-workers are now dubbed “movie-stars” by the Teamsters Union!
December 2010 Daves’ Dumpster
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