By Harvey Winje
The Alley occasionally features aproject in the Community that has accomplished an improvement project that adds to the view on the street, is pleasing to the occupants, and deserves special attention so that everyone knows that others care and appreciate it. The Kudos this month go to the work on 2704 16th Avenue by Tahoe Holdings and SafeHaven Development.
If you know of a small or large project you enjoy seeing, let us know so we can feature it here.
An Ode to Porches
Porches are more than an amenity. Porches have historic and architecture value that adds to the livability of a house, complementing the house as they beautify the streetscape. Some suburbs have begun building porches on new developments calling them one feature of a “New Urbanism” referring back to the folksiness of people enjoying a summer”'s evening on the porch in plain enough view to greet the neighbors and passersby.
Porches in this area usually didn”'t have frost footings—a stone or concrete pad beneath the supporting members deep enough at a minimum of 42” locally to withstand the heaving of the earth during freeze/thaw cycles. Because of the lack of such footings as houses usually (but not always on older houses) have, porches would start to lean away from the houses from the changes and also from deterioration of lumber underground.… Read the rest “KUDOS HOMES AND GARDENS-April”
March Phillips What? Where? Contest
Answer these any 3 of the following 5 questions correctly and win a chance for a drawing of a $10.00 Gift Certificate at Welna Hardware 2438 Bloomington Avenue.
1. How many years between when Phillips Junior High School (12th Av. And 23rd built 1926 exactly similar to Sanford Middle School on 42nd Ave So.) was torn down and the Mpls. School Board bought Mt. Sinai Hospital four blocks away and remodeled it into a school?
2. The last “society” family to occupy a large mansion in Phillips Community was:
- Turnblad family, publisher of the Mpls. Posten, at 26th and Park.
- The Bell family at 24th and Park
- Cowles family, owner and publisher of the Star Tribune and its forerunners
- Crosby family at 22nd and Park.
3. How many schools can you name that were torn down in Phillips?
4. Welna Hardware on Bloomington Avenue used to be on the east side of the street and its previous owner was John Dalsin Roofing and Sheet Metal Company who had moved it from original building to their building which is now Na-way-ee, Center School, True or False.
5. Marion Savage who owned a townhouse mansion at 26th and Portland buried, Dan Patch, his famous race horse at:
- Lakewood Cemetery near the old street car line.