News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

SEARCHING ”“ a Serial Novelle CHAPTER 11: Calling

By Patrick Cabello Hansel

This time, Angel did not vacillate. He walked south, past Waite House, the Islamic Center, the airplane graveyard. At the Greenway, he paused for a moment to look down. The plows had not come yet, but intrepid cyclists had carved little paths in the snow. From his point of view, they looked like chromosomes stretching themselves out. Angel wondered if the genes we receive from our ancestors and pass on to our descendants stretch and contract with the joys and trials of history: marriages, wars, miracles known to many and those known only to a few.

As Mr. Bussey had told him, the little store on Lake had phone cards. Dozens of them, some with outlines of countries, cartoons, women in bikinis, the lucha libre hero his younger brother David idolized. He ended up buying one with dancing and singing hot peppers. He remembered where the last pay phone in the neighborhood was: incongruously off an alley on a side street. The aluminum shell was dented in two places, someone had written, “I love you, Katrina. VERY LOVE!” with a dark red marker, but the phone worked.

Unfortunately, the city plow had thrown up a wall of broken ice and snow, so that to face the phone, Angel had to climb the little hill and actually stretch down to reach the numbers.… Read the rest “SEARCHING ”“ a Serial Novelle CHAPTER 11: Calling”

The Fantastic Mr. Fox & Sherlock Holmes

The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fantastic Mr. Fox
Twentieth Century Fox
Running Time: 81 minutes
Rated: PG
Director: Wes Anderson

The adaptation of Roald Dahl”'s book to a movie by the same title, “Fantastic Mr. Fox”, directed by Wes Anderson and written by Wes Anderson and Noah Baumbach, is an ambitious and delightful project.

The old saying “sly like a fox” is more than apt for extroverted Mr. Fox (George Clooney). Barely escaping from a few chickens napping and a newly pregnant wife, Mrs. Fox (Meryl Streep), he promises to stop stealing chickens. After a hiatus, Mr. Fox returns to the scenes of the crimes by raiding coops of Boggis, Bunce and Bean, three farmers who ban together to destroy Mr. Fox and all his cohorts. Bean owns a cider factory which was broken into by Mr. Fox and his friends Badger (Mr. Murray) and Kylie (Wally Wolodarksy), to steal the bottles of cider. Will they get caught or will they outfox (pardon the pun) the farmers?
Ash (Jason Schwartzman), the son of Mr. Fox, competes with his handsome visiting cousin Kristofferson (Eric Anderson), the former is jealous of the latter.
As such, Mr. Fox”'s teasing the edges of danger is appealing to adults and children alike.… Read the rest “The Fantastic Mr. Fox & Sherlock Holmes”

Dave’s Dumpster February 2010

February 2010 Dave's Dumpster

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