News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

WANTED: Male Mentors

By Raymond Jackson

Not only is Minneapolis in dire need of mentors for children, but cities throughout America are too. This is a need for all children, especially children of color and young boys. On Thursday December 10th, former editor of Essence magazine and founder of the National CARES Mentoring Movement, Ms. Susan Taylor, visited the Twin Cities to help launch the Minneapolis CARES Mentoring Movement. The Minneapolis CARES Mentoring Movement, founded by V.J. Smith, President of MAD DADS, an organization that reaches out to teens and young adults who are seeking alternatives to negative social interaction, is reaching out to the Twin Cities for help in locating mentors for the many parentless youth, searching for a brighter and more positive future. MAD DADS, Minneapolis Chapter, has existed for over ten years and has been very successful in turning lives around for the better! Mr. Smith says, “We are saving lives by helping young people not succumb to the negative forces around them! But we do need help in this effort, especially from men of color who have overcome the odds of not being successful. We need people to give just a few hours each month mentoring some of our children.”… Read the rest “WANTED: Male Mentors”

The Alley is Bound for the Future

30 Years of Alley Newspapers in One Set of 13 Volumes awaits trip to Franklin Library to be available to the community; printed on good, book paper and bound hard-covers.

30 Years of Alley Newspapers in One Set of 13 Volumes awaits trip to Franklin Library to be available to the community; printed on good, book paper and bound hard-covers.

Bound for the Future has two meanings for the Alley Newspaper in 2010: First, it means that the first 30 years of The Alley Newspaper”'s issues are now reprinted on good quality book paper instead of lower quality newsprint paper, and the over 4,000 pages are bound into two sets of 13 hardcover volumes. One set is available to the public at the Central Library downtown on Hennepin Avenue and the other is available at the Franklin Library on Franklin Avenue. This making of The Alley”'s into hardcover volumes was initiated by the Hennepin County Library. Alley Communications, the nonprofit that produces The Alley Newspaper, began raising money to have another set at the Franklin Library. An Alley volunteer spent a couple of hundred hours compiling a complete set for the Library to use for reprinting. Subsequent to the printing completion, the Library was able to use some left-over funds to pay for the Franklin Library set. This allowed The Alley to redirect the funds donated to date and, instead, broaden the public accessibility effort.… Read the rest “The Alley is Bound for the Future”

January Phillips What? Where? Contest

Photo #1: It”'s a sign? Yes, that”'s obvious. The question remains a sign of what? by whom? for what? Tell it all and your name goes in the drawing. It was a Model project in the 60”'s, closed, then opened, closed then?

Photo #2: It”'s a building? Yes, that”'s obvious. What building? Where is it? Whose building? What”'s it for? What”'s rising out of the top? A long, notoriously substandard sidewalk belonged to this property which certainly was a contradiction of its Owner.

Tell us the What and Where of these 2 photos correctly and win a chance for a drawing of a $20.00 Gift Certificate at Welna Hardware 2438 Bloomington Avenue.
See the captions on the photos to the right for the January Hints.
Get all of the answers of #1 correct and you”'re in that drawing.
Get all of the answers of #2 correct and you”'re in that drawing.
Get all of the answers of #1 & #2 correct and you”'re in both drawings.
So, you may win a $10 gift certificate or possibly 2 $10. gifts certificates to Welna Hardware 2438 Bloomington Avenue
Winners from the December Contest:
Lisa Donovan-Larson, Eloise Funmaker, Geralyn Little Wolf, and Brenda Morrow.… Read the rest “January Phillips What? Where? Contest”

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