A Letter of Gratitude to the Phillips Community”¦from Leon Oman

Leon Oman (right) at the Alley annual meeting
by Leon Oman
Dear Community of Phillips,
Let me express my deepest thanks and gratitude to the Phillips community upon my retirement from Community Education at Andersen School. It has been a profound joy and honor to serve with you over the past 28+ years. I appreciate all the well-wishes that people have shared, both formally and informally, for this next chapter of life.
As I reflect on these many past years, gratitude also swells up within me for all of the ways that Phillips, both you as individuals and you as organizations, have supported Community Education: You have participated in classes and activities; involved yourself as volunteers, teachers and staff; used our gym and meeting facilities; provided input and feedback for programming, both informally as well as formally through our Advisory Council; partnered with us on out-of-school time programs for youth and lifelong learning for adults; provided financial support for many initiatives; collaborated on events; and many other ways. Your personal support along that way has been so fulfilling and motivating.
The community has changed a lot in the years I”'ve been here. I can so clearly recall my first day in June, 1981 ”“ getting off the #21 bus on Lake and 10th Ave.… Read the rest “A Letter of Gratitude to the Phillips Community”¦from Leon Oman”
At the Movies: Precious

by Raymond Jackson
Oh how precious everyone and everything is, all in their own unique ways! At the end of this very good movie, ”˜Precious”', exemplifies the aforementioned statement so much that one could hear a pin drop in the carpeted isles, while gasping for air and exhibiting an inability to clap. This movie is good and leaves you frozen in deep thought! The metaphor, keeping it real, can certainly be applied in this case, with bold caps even.
Stand up comedian, Monique, plays an excellent role as Ms Jones, the mother of Clareece ”˜Precious”' Jones, played by newcomer, Gabourey ”˜Gabby”' Sidibe; who is said to have auditioned in between classes, while attending college in New York. Directed by Lee Daniels, ”˜Precious”' is based on the book, ”˜Push”', written by Sapphire, and is sure to be up for many awards. I am allergic to tears, so believe me when I say, this movie will have you crying and even laughing throughout, as you are taken down the path of a junior high school mother, who enters this drama pregnant with her second child, at the age of sixteen.
Based in 1987 New York, Precious, after being told over and over again, by her mother and countless others, that she is nothing and will never be anything but a complete zero; starts to feel better about herself and her capabilities, after being forced to enroll in an alternative school and meeting teachers and students who seemed to care about her.… Read the rest “At the Movies: Precious”