News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday October 18th 2024



A storage place for wounds that won’t heal.
A harbor for aging, putrid resentments
A spice rack for sniper attacks and ridicule
A bunker of hidden, forgotten hopes and dreams
A leaky faucet of laughter
A moldy basement of surprises
A cast for shaping yet confining.
A hologram of happiness
An Instagram, Hollywood, TikTok selfie of “Happily Ever After.”

Shelia Bland lives in Midtown Phillips. She has been writing most of her life to help herself understand the experiences and people in her shared world.

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Senior renters are Struggling; Problems at Bii Di Gain are the Tip of the Iceberg


A longer version of this piece first appeared in Sahan Journal, a nonprofit newsroom covering Minnesota’s immigrants and communities of color. You can access it at

Signs posted on the gate of the Bii Di Gain Dash Anwebi affordable housing apartment complex in south Minneapolis on May 1, 2024, demand better living conditions. PHOTO: Katelyn Vue, Sahan Journal

On May 1, protesters and residents rallied at Bii Di Gain Dash Anwebi in south Minneapolis to draw attention to the poor living conditions and lack of maintenance at the affordable housing complex. The unfortunate reality is these elders are not not alone in struggling to feel safe and secure in their homes.
I am an AmeriCorps VISTA member, working as a tenant organizer with Home Line and the Minnesota Housing Partnership (MHP). I have spent a significant amount of time organizing renters in buildings either marketed or designated for seniors, and it has become clear to me that we need to work together to find new solutions for senior renters, the majority of whom are dealing with housing instability.
According to MHP’s recently released 2024 State of the State’s Housing Profile, 66% of all senior renters in Minnesota are cost-burdened, which means they pay more than 30% of their monthly income towards rent.… Read the rest “Senior renters are Struggling; Problems at Bii Di Gain are the Tip of the Iceberg”

How Your Dollars Can Help Communities Thrive

By AMANDA THEISEN, Sunrise Banks

The ecosystem of a community is made up of many components. You’ve got the people – your neighbors, business owners, visitors, and leaders – who advocate for your area. There are the places – homes, businesses, schools, parks, places of worship, to name a few. Add in other things, such as public transit, safe streets, and essential services, and you will have a community that has the potential to thrive and bring people together.
But what happens when that community is not maintained? Essential services may stop. People stop visiting the area. Residents and businesses may choose to leave. Buildings may fall into disrepair. That sense of pride that once brought people together is lost.
It takes work, creativity and innovation to help revitalize areas that don’t always have easy access to money or other resources. The best way to support communities is to put the power of impact into the community’s hands, allowing them to have a say in how their neighborhood grows and evolves. That’s where Impact Funds come in.

Impact = Opportunities
An Impact Fund is a vehicle to let folks direct their money to development projects within their communities. Impact Funds can be found in many types of organizations and have varying goals.… Read the rest “How Your Dollars Can Help Communities Thrive”

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