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Sunday October 20th 2024

News to Use March ’24

Free AARP class helps protect against online scams and crime
Do you know how to protect your online identity effectively? This is where AARP can help. Online scams and cybercrime remain on the rise, making it crucial to safeguard your passwords and keep your personal information private online. This free event will discuss basic precautions you can take to help protect yourself from cybercriminals, including tips to help you recognize the signs and avoid phishing scams.

This FREE class is a partnership between The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and AARP to help people safeguard their identity online! Sign up today to reserve your spot for “Fraud: Vigilance Against Cybercrime”.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024
10:30-11:30 am
Mary Merrill MPRB Headquarters
2117 West River Road, Minneapolis MN 55411

Register at:

Minneapolis property owners can enter lottery to buy low-cost trees
City offering 1,000 shade and evergreen trees
Minneapolis property owners can now enter the City Trees Lottery to buy a $30 tree for their Minneapolis property. The tree sale is so popular, that a lottery will determine who can buy a tree this spring.

The City of Minneapolis Health Department is partnering with Tree Trust to offer 1,000 shade and evergreen trees, ranging from 3 to 8 feet in height depending on the type of tree.… Read the rest “News to Use March ’24”

March ’24 Events

Dreaming Our Futures: Ojibwe and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ Artists and Knowledge Keepers
Through March 16
Katherine E. Nash Gallery
Regis Center for Art
405 21st Avenue S

Dreaming Our Futures marks the opening of the University of Minnesota’s George Morrison Center for Indigenous Arts, and features work in a wide variety of painting media and esthetic approaches by 29 artists including Frank Big Bear, David Bradley, Awanigiizhik Bruce, Andrea Carlson, Avis Charley, Fern Cloud, Michelle Defoe, Jim Denomie, Patrick DesJarlait, Sam English, Carl Gawboy, Joe Geshick, Sylvia Houle, Oscar Howe, Waŋblí Mayášleča (Francis J. Yellow, Jr.), George Morrison, Steven Premo, Rabbett Before Horses Strickland, Cole Redhorse Taylor, Roy Thomas, Jonathan Thunder, Thomasina TopBear, Moira Villiard, Kathleen Wall, Star WallowingBull, Dyani White Hawk, Bobby Dues Wilson, Leah H.… Read the rest “March ’24 Events”

Protect Pollinators and Your Precious Time



There are better ways to spend your spring and summer than mowing the lawn. The noise, smell of exhaust fumes, heat, and humidity add up to a less than pleasant chore. How many perfect Saturday afternoons have we sacrificed to appease the fickle gods of sod? Time-wasting may not be the only concern when it comes to lawn maintenance. We also need to ask ourselves if we’re doing right by the environment in the little patch of Earth, we call our lawn. Many homeowners are choosing to reclaim their weekends and support wildlife through a transition to no-mow bee lawns.

We need bees. Seventy-five percent of the world’s plants and 30% of human food crops depend on bees and other pollinators to reproduce. The way we manage lawns and landscapes can have a profound impact on bee health. Common landscaping practices such as short mowing and pesticide use leave little support for bees in our landscapes.

All of our damage to the environment adds up. Many species of bees and other pollinators are facing extinction. Loss of habitat, and pesticides have led to rapidly rising rates of extinction. According to the United Nations, current species extinction rates are 100 to 1000 times higher than normal due to human activity.… Read the rest “Protect Pollinators and Your Precious Time”

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