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Monday March 3rd 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Allina Health Systems’

Allina Builds Abbott Northwestern Hospital Utility Plant Before Getting Air Emissions Permit

Allina Builds Abbott Northwestern Hospital Utility Plant Before Getting Air Emissions Permit

Public Comment Period on Permit Opening this Fall Abbott Northwestern Hospital's Central Utility Plant under construction at E 26th Street and Chicago Avenue. According to MN Rule 7005.0100 Subp. 3a, activities that should not be started before an air emissions permit is issued include “installing building supports and foundations, laying underground pipework, and constructing permanent storage structures.” Photo by Ben Heath By LINDSEY FENNER If you’ve driven on E 26th Street through Phillips this past summer, you’ve likely gone past the construction site at 26th and Chicago where Allina Health is building a new Central Utility Plant for Abbott Northwestern Hospital. Besides the traffic headache this has created, the bigger problem is that Allina has started construction on the utility plant before getting the final air emissions permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Allina Health, which owns Abbott Northwestern Hospital and has their [...]

Allina Moving Phillips Eye Institute, Reducing Services and Staff

By Lindsey Fenner Allina Health has announced they are moving the Phillips Eye Institute (PEI) out of it’s building at 2215 Park Avenue in February 2022. Both in-patient and out-patient eye care will be moved into the Abbott Northwestern Hospital Campus, which is undergoing a $199 million renovation and rebuilding project. The move will also mean a reduction in staff. Allina did not respond to questions about how many staff positions will be lost, but said in a statement that they are “committed to working closely with employees impacted by the transition to provide support and direction for future job opportunities within the Allina Health system.”  Allina did not provide any information on the future of the PEI building and the nearly 2 acre site in the Phillips West neighborhood. In a statement, they said “Allina Health is committed to working with our community partners to determine the best future use of the PEI building.” As of mid-November, Allina had not [...]

Random alley Labor News

By LINDSEY FENNER Random Alley Labor News By Lindsey Fenner Strike Averted at Allina: Service Employees International Union (SEIU) healthcare workers at Allina, which includes Abbott Northwestern Hospital and Phillips Eye Institute in Phillips, reached a last-minute tentative agreement with Allina Health. Workers had been set to strike on May 10 if an agreement wasn”™t reached in time. Issues during contract negotiations included pay, and health and safety concerns.  Boycott of Marathon and Speedway Gas Stations Called for as Lockout at Refinery Continues: The MN AFL-CIO has endorsed a boycott of Marathon and Speedway gas stations as the lockout of workers at the St. Paul Park Marathon Refinery enters its fifth month. Members of Teamsters Local 120 were locked out by Marathon after a one-day strike in January. Workers have been fighting against staffing cuts and changes that they are worried will make the refinery more dangerous. The Marathon Refinery is [...]

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