News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday March 3rd 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Allina Health Systems’

Engagement with Organizations

Engagement with Organizations

Under the leadership of Hope Community, the BYI organizational team implemented a plan to research the interests and needs of community organizations in the Backyard area. Hope Community held one to one interviews and listening circles with 34 organizational leaders representing 31 organizations to provide an update about the BYI and hear their issues. Several key themes emerged: Support for the BYI definition of health and its focus on social connectedness as an important strategy to improve health. Organizations feel “silo- d” and isolated as immediate demands and inadequate funding make it difficult to take on new projects. Organizations are overwhelmingly interested in continuing to be involved in the work of the BYI if it is productive and action-focused. In response to resident”'s request for better understanding of available resources from organizations, the first ever comprehensive inventory of non-profits in the Backyard was completed. The [...]

Health Care Access

Health Care Access

The BYI partners with Portico Healthnet, an organization that assists uninsured Minnesotans access affordable health care and coverage. Portico works to improve community health by enrolling uninsured individuals into Minnesota Care, Medical Assistance and other public programs. Those who are ineligible for public programs are enrolled in the Portico Coverage program. A full-time English-Spanish speaking Community Health Worker is stationed at Andersen Community School in the Backyard to facilitate access to Portico services. In 2011, 436 residents accessed health insurance through public programs. An additional 116 residents were able to access primary and preventive care services through the Portico coverage program. Due to a partnership between Portico and the BYI, Backyard residents have immediate access to the coverage program. There is typically an 18 month wait period for the program.

Sharing our Story

Communication strategies are designed to promote the story and the lessons of the BYI. Multiple vehicles including: print and on-line media, participation in community events, conference and classroom presentations and word-of-mouth are utilized to reach a variety of audiences. Community strategies are designed to encourage residents to tell their stories from their geographic and cultural perspectives through monthly articles in The Alley Newspaper, a community based newspaper in Phillips and participation at neighborhood meetings and events. Residents and staff also participated in the first ever Midtown Global Market Jazz Festival held in July, 2011. Our website,, was revamped in 2011. sNational communications included a presentation at the national Association for Community Health Improvement conference. An article on the Backyard titled “Being Active in Your Community is a Cornerstone of Good Health” was published on the Institute [...]

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