Posts Tagged ‘Clean Sweep’
Phillips Community Clean Sweep – Year 19

Setting up for Clean Sweep in the Welna Hardware parking lot at 2428 Bloomington Avenue. Photo: Courtesy of Phillips Community Clean Sweep By JANA METGE, Phillips Community Clean Sweep Coordinator Phillips Community Clean Sweep held another successful event this year on Saturday, October 8th. The annual Clean Sweep is planned and organized by the four Phillips neighborhoods together with the City of Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling Department. Thanks to Welna Hardware for hosting the breakfast donated by Allina Health, and supply pick up. Thanks to Involve MN and CityJoy for donating lunch, and to Sarah, our new Stewart Park Director, for hosting the lunch and Resource Fair. Participants in the Resource Fair were American Indian OIC, Open Arms of Minnesota, Midtown Greenway Coalition, Phillips Neighborhood Clinic at St Paul’s church, Southside Green Zone, Semilla Center for Healing and the Arts, and KRSM Radio, who spun tunes during lunch. Thank you also to our [...]