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Posts Tagged ‘December 22’



Patrick Cabello Hansel CHAPTER 26: PROMISES KEPT, PROMISES BROKEN By PATRICK CABELLO HANSEL Rules may be made to be broken, but breaking promises leads to generational devastation.  The promises made to the Dakota that were broken by the U.S. and the subsequent environmental and human disaster ring down through the generations.  We are part of a bigger web, one based on getting: getting as much land, money, power as is possible.  That is what motivates Brian Fleming, his “associates” and the powers that have permitted him to cause such damage.  He did not get here on his own.  He is the descendent of greed writ large. Promises kept can have a rippling effect as well.  The promises Luz and Angel make to each other each day in their marriage—to sustain, love and protect each other and their children—also did not appear all of a sudden.  They are the legacy of promises made and kept by generations of ancestors.  Promises to [...]

Raise Your Voice

Raise Your Voice

Peter Molenaar Vikings Fans Against the Bills By PETER MOLENAAR The emotional roller coaster ride might be stimulating, but one wishes our team would just blow them out of the water (so to speak) and be done with it. Evidently though, the magnitude and intensity of our collective prayer does manifest a material force on the field of play. In the end, the ‘blue wave’ prevailed against all manner of falsehood. Get this: EVERY HOUSE REPUBLICAN VOTED AGAINST ENDING BIG OIL PRICE GOUGING. Who then is responsible for inflation? Closer to home, General Mills hiked its prices five times since June of 2021, and the company saw its net earnings climb 32% in the first quarter of the current fiscal year. Excuse us for not believing that Governor Walz was responsible! However, while canvasing in Blaine under the banner of Teamsters Local 120, I did encounter a couple who insisted that Democrats foster pedophilia. Hopefully, repetition of [...]

Dave’s Dumpster: December ’22

Dave’s Dumpster: December ’22

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