Posts Tagged ‘EPIC’
EAST PHILLIPS IMPROVEMENT COALITION 13th ANNUAL MEETING of EPIC Saturday, April 28th, 2012Â Social Gathering Time: 9:30 am Meeting begins at 10:00 am At: Â The New East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center 2307 17th Ave. S. Annual Board Elections Music, Good Food Cool Door Prizes PLEASE COME AND MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS Call 280-8418-Â for more details
East Phillips Improvement Coalition Policy Statement Summary in Opposition to Xcel Hiawatha Powerline Proposal
At the request of the EPIC Board, Carol Pass, Board President, submitted a 35 Page Position Statement to the State Of Minnesota Office Of Administrative Hearings For The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) expressing the community”'s strong opposition to these Overhead High Voltage Electrical Transmission Lines. The brief focused on three issues: Health: The U.S. National Academy of Science, National Research Council report (1997) stated that the link between power line wire-code rating and childhood leukemia “is statistically significant (unlikely to have arisen from chance) and is robust”. While the risk to human health at the current state of research appears to be small, the statistical significance of health study findings is that there IS a risk. The Children of Phillips are already at risk from multiple sources and issues, of which we are well aware, especially since the education we all received in facing down the Midtown Burner. Economic [...]
East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center Ground-Breaking 4 ½ Years after Linda”'s Dream, Neighbors-described on ”˜Butcher Paper”'**
By Brad Pass and Carol Pass On November 19th, 2009 a momentous event for the Phillips Neighborhood occurred. It was the ground breaking of the long awaited East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center. After years of relentless struggle primarily by the residents and organizations of East Phillips, with help from our adjoining neighborhood to the west, Midtown Phillips, and many others, the end is in sight. Within months we will be able to enjoy this beautiful new building. The East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center will include a big gym with bleachers, a community kitchen, a beautiful entry rotunda, an elder and family gathering space and rooms to provide programs and educational help for our multitude of residents. It will provide space to help them reach their potential, to improve their lives, celebrate their many cultures and just chill out and enjoy one another. Ball fields and landscaping will also be added. Such a Center was a long held dream going back [...]