Posts Tagged ‘Healthcare’
Red Lake and NACC Set to Open New Health Care Center

Mino Bimaadiziwin Wellness Clinic offers a much-needed entry-point to healthcare By TINA MONJE Mino Bimaadiziwin, the new RedLake Nation apartment building. In September of 2020, Red Lake Nation and their affordable housing nonprofit partner, CommonBond Communities, began taking applications for their new Native-centered apartment building, Mino Bimaadiziwin. Today, most of the units are occupied, and they hope to have the building full by late August. In partnership with Native American Community Clinic (NACC), Red Lake Nation is also gearing up to open the Mino Bimaadiziwin Wellness Center, an onsite health clinic. Dr. Laurelle Myhra, PhD, LMFT, is an enrolled member of Red Lake Nation, and the new clinic”™s director. According to Myhra, this project, arguably the first of its kind in the nation, has been made possible by the innovative Indigenous leaders who are seated at the planning table. The culmination of “a lot of indigenous people [...]
Unfair Labor Practices strike at Abbott Northwestern Hospital on October 5 and 6.

SEIU Healthcare MN members went on a two-day Unfair Labor Practices strike at Abbott Northwestern Hospital on October 5 and 6. Striking Radiology Technologists at Abbott have been bargaining with Allina Health since May. Among other issues, SEIU members are fighting for the same COVID-19 quarantine pay and benefits as other workers at Allina. Photo Courtesy of SEIU Healthcare MN
We Want Your Ideas For Health Improvement! Backyard Initiative Update

by Janice Barbee, Cultural Wellness Center & Paula Fynboh, Allina Health System Join a BYI Citizen Health Action Team (CHAT) The Backyard Initiative has moved to a new phase. Community residents who live in the Backyard area (the Phillips neighborhoods, Central, Powderhorn Park, and Corcoran) are now meeting twice a month to develop projects that improve the health of residents. We want to involve more community residents in this work. If you have an interest in working with your neighbors on a health-improvement project, and/or if you have a great idea to bring to the dialogue, please join us. CHATs now meeting: 1. Rebirthing Community: Bringing Elders and Youth Together: Focused on bringing elders and youth together for a “rebirthing” of community. The team has discussed mentoring and visual arts as a way to bring the generations together. 2. Establishing Anchor Families: Seeking to establish “anchor families” on each block who can teach [...]