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Tuesday March 4th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Ingebretsens’

Sustainable Kitchen and New Nordic Cooking Classes at Ingebretsen”'s

By Carstens Smith Karen Olson Johnson, the co-host of AM950”'s “Food Freedom Radio” will host two talks in April focusing on the small changes you can make in your cooking and eating habits that will have a big impact on the environment and the quality of everyone”'s life, especially your own. Karen will host the lively combination of lectures, questions, and answers on Monday evenings April 1 and 8 from 6 to 8 pm. Each evening is $5. Karen is a long-time science education and teacher-trainer. She is the author of Common Sense for the Common Good and From Where I See It, informative guides to the simple steps we can take to create a cleaner, healthier world. Both books will be available at Karen”'s talks. Ingebresten”'s will celebrate Earth Day with a New Nordic Cuisine dinner prepared by food historian and blogger Patrice Johnson. Patrice has combined her love for Scandinavian food (she is a self-proclaimed “Nordic food geek and [...]

Ingebretsen”'s Saga: A Family, A Story, A Legacy in Food An East Lake Street Saga as told through a family history and a lot of food.

Ingebretsen”'s Saga: A Family, A Story, A Legacy in Food An East Lake Street Saga as told through a family history and a lot of food.

By Carsten Smith “The project took nine months. I could have had a baby in that period, but a book is much easier to care for after gestation. I”'m glad I opted for the book,” says Anne Gillespie Lewis, author of Ingebretsen”'s Saga, which is now available at Ingebretsen”'s Scandinavian Gifts. The idea for the book had been percolating for years, but a chance conversation at the store with Julie Ingebretsen, the store manager, spurred Anne and Julie into making the book a reality. Julie Ingebretsen had often wished for the time and opportunity to put some of the many recipes shared at the store into a book. There is rarely a staff meeting or a birthday or even an obscure holiday that passes at Ingebretsen”'s that staff members don”'t pull out the stops and bring food to share with their co-workers. Julie really wanted to have some of those recipes in writing. (more…)

Ingebretsen”'s Celebrates Nine Decades for Nine Weeks

Ingebretsen”'s Celebrates Nine Decades for Nine Weeks

By Carsten Smith Every birthday is worth celebrating, but some birthdays are worth an extra special effort. For Ingebretsen”'s Scandinavian Gifts, that birthday is the ninetieth, which will be celebrated this October. “My grandfather opened the store here because it was a Scandinavian neighborhood at the time. The neighborhood has changed, but we still feel supportive of it and supported by it. We are glad to be here,” says Julie Ingebretsen, gift store manager and the granddaughter of the store founder, Charles Ingebretsen. “We have a calendar full of special events, many of which revolve around food, naturally, and the neighborhood is invited!” says Julie. For nine Saturdays, one for each decade, Ingebretsen”'s will have “Taste of the Times,” a celebration of food fads and fashions over time. Starting October 1, from 11 to 1, customer will receive free samples of food representative of that decade. The first Saturday will be [...]

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