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Posts Tagged ‘MayDay2013’


Thank you, thank you, thank you to the community for our 39th Annual MayDay Parade & Festival! One of the best ever, attended by 50-70,000 on glorious May 5, 2013. Here”'s the results of our lowered budget this year and our appeal for increased community sustaining support. $80,850 - Individual donations (including Seward Co-op”'s “round up” and MayDay Makers giving) 9,300 - ad sales $7,500 - join in and info tables $18,350 - Food vendors $116,000 - income $93,500 ”“ personnel $7,400 ”“ print/postage/promotion $8,100 ”“ rental equipment/vehicles $2,300 ”“ supplies $4,100 ”“ permits $8,600 ”“ all else $124,000 - expenses So an additional $8,000 will make it all good. To ensure many MayDays to come as we enter our 40th year, you can: Donate through our web site. Use the MayDay appeal envelope you might have received and/or mail us a check. Share the magic of MayDay with others: [...]



  Bread and Puppet Theater”'s Hallelujah Cantastoria Play and Drawings adapted by In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre for MayDay 2013 Parade and Pageant May 5th ~ Starting 1:00 PM at 26th and Bloomington to 34th Street and into Powderhorn Park. Rain and Snow? Date May 12 Listen to KFAI Radio 90.3 FM or @HOBT on Twitter“See the World,” theme will unfold in the 39th In the Heart of the Beast MayDay Parade and Pageant, as a painfully honest and simple story about how our actions affect our beautiful world. It is inspired by and adapted from the Vermont state, 50 year-old “Cheap Art and Political Theater, Bread and Puppet”'s classic cantastoria production called Hallelujah. The power of the script lies in its simplicity, and its profound call to action.

Make MayDay Happen!

Make MayDay Happen!

MayDay COMMUNITY MEETINGFebruary 12 is our community meeting, 7 PM at the Avalon Theater (1500 E. Lake Street), for sharing ideas, images, and themes for this year”'s MayDay. Please come. You can help In the Heart of the Beast continue this tradition for you and your community. Photo by Liz Welch Challenges of MayDay Need Your Ideas and Your Support By Sandy Spieler Dear Neighbors, I”'m writing about the MayDay Parade and Festival, specifically the situation for MayDay this year and into the future. I”'m the artistic director of In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, one of the founders of MayDay, and one of the midwives of this event”'s artistic and community development for 39 years. It has been my great joy to work with so many wonderful people for so many years!  Thank you! This year has me worried, though. As we crafted our theatre”'s finances for 2013, our executive director Loren Niemi suggested we not “do [...]

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