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Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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Monday January 27th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Midtown Phillips’

Midtown Phillips News

Midtown Phillips News

Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Improvement Association News

By Dan Wilder I am happy to report that at our March monthly members meeting the Midtown Phillips neighborhood voted to support a plan to put a streetcar on the Midtown Greenway. We feel it will bring a much needed connection to the light rail lines and businesses along Lake Street for all the neighborhoods along the Greenway. You can learn more about the Alternatives Analysis study Metro Transit is conducting this year to review options for the Midtown Corridor on our website www.MidtownPhillips.org. In other news, we have an open board seat that we need to fill on our volunteer board of directors. It is a one year term to fill the seat I left vacant when I stepped into the role of president. I urge anyone who has a desire to help move our neighborhood in a positive direction to come to our next monthly members meeting and run for the open seat. If you can”'t make it in person, please let me know that you”'re interested in running. If you”'d like to stay [...]

1st Annual Bridging Festival was a Blast!

1st Annual Bridging Festival was a Blast!

By Dallas Johnson Our 12 hour event on 8/13 (two dozen activities moving through 10 sites) exceeded our wildest expectations. The active embodiment of an invitation, the majority of the day was hands-on and interactive. It was well attended and numbers grew with each stop along 24th St. From collecting the water at dawn, bringing the water together (w/ Sandy Spieler), Simone Speer”'s dance workshop at E Philips Park, singing quietly in a circle (with Louis Alemayhu at PCC), decorating parade regalia (w/ Heart of the Beast), marveling at the Somali Mall, the parade up 24th St (with three 12 foot puppets, musicians and our decorated umbrellas), a big crowd and Patrick Nolan”'s original poem at the murals unveiling (w/ artists Elissa Cedarleaf and Greta McLain), neighborhood skit honoring Muriel Simmons that ended in a spiral dance, party at Center for Changing Lives with art activities, seed balls, MPRB”'s kids”' games, live African music, The Alley-hosted [...]

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