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Monday March 3rd 2025

Posts Tagged ‘poetry’


By BARB TILSEN May 25, 2022 Today my heart is heavy Whenever the news arrives of children dying The six year old found in the trunk of a car Shot by his mother While that story is still freshly told the News brings yet more details of the shooting yesterday with the horror of deja vu Nineteen children in Texas 2nd graders 3rd graders 4th graders Beautiful and precious Murdered By an 18 year old With an assault rifle he bought On his birthday Leaving his childhood behind In bloody footprints Bringing haunting memory Of another school shooting of our young children Carried in Sandy Hook’s river of tears Bringing the stark truth that lies at the center of our country’s stalemated inaction We are a nation that allows our children To be murdered It is our legacy It is our history The heartbreaking picture comes to the fore Large numbers of beloved Native children Stolen away to [...]

Dave’s Dumpster July ’22

Dave’s Dumpster July ’22



A POEM BY THOMAS R. SMITH Peace to the goose with the broken wing, eliciting     the maddening kindness of human beings, maddening     because inconsistently applied. Peace to the snapping turtle burrowed in the riverbottom     mud, frozen and sealed as if for Judgment Day. Peace to the queen bee in her hive, kept warm     at the center of a ball made of thousands of her     subjects, not all of whom will survive the winter. Peace to the bear in her leafy den, giving birth     in her sleep, as it seems that poets sometimes do,     astonished to awaken to the bright, hungry eyes     of the poem. Peace to the trees keeping their minds on heaven,     while holding fast the under-sky of roots and mycelia. Peace to the clouds, shielding the sun from the     glaring follies of humans [...]

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