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Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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Saturday February 8th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘puppets’

July Events 

July Events 

Puppet artist Felicia Cooper performs "How to Know a Whale”Photo provided by artist At the May People’s Land Network gathering, attendees planted wintersown seedlings at the new raised bed at Hosmer Community Library at 347 E. 36th St. The May People’s Land Network conversation focused on public land sharing for growing food. Credit: Plant Grow Share Food, Land, Art, and Community! Power Tree Quilting Session for Phillips neighbors Wednesday, July 6, 5:30-7:30PM Tamales y Bicicletas, 2820 15th Avenue South Join Million Artist Movement at Tamales y Bicicletas garden, in collaboration with Native Youth Arts Collective. Make a quilt square while we discuss and explore what community safety means to us and dive into our radical imaginations as we reflect on our past, present while using art to envision the future of our communities. This is part of a series of quilting events and conversations through August 2022. Art and ideas generated will be [...]

Dave’s Dumpster July ’22

Dave’s Dumpster July ’22

Interview With Local Artist Orren Fen

Interview With Local Artist Orren Fen

by Mary Ellen Kaluza Last month the alley debuted a new feature highlighting young artists in Phillips. Within moments of having the idea of a regular featured artist, I knew I had to talk with Orren Fen. I first met Orren a few years ago, in pre-COVID times. I was visiting their home and they showed me a project they were working on: a puppet stage made out of cardboard, maybe 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. I was blown away by the clever design, the creativity, the engineering — both structural and mechanical. Orren explained all the parts, moving and stationary, in great detail. Like I said, I was blown away! Lucky for us, Orren graciously agreed to be interviewed for the alley. How old are you? What grade are you in? Fourteen, and I'm a freshman in high school. Describe your main art form. I focus mostly on puppetry and performance art. What inspired you to take up your art? I grew up two blocks from In the Heart of the Beast Theatre, and participated in the [...]

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