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Tuesday March 4th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘religion’

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church: 150th Anniversary and Still Proclaiming the Gospel

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church: 150th Anniversary and Still Proclaiming the Gospel

The current home of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is at 1901 Portland Avenue South. Built as a Presbyterian church in 1887, the building was acquired by St. Paul’s in the 1960s. The congregation has worshiped in several nearby locations throughout its 150-year history.Credit: Photo provided by St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church By PASTOR TOM PARRISH, current pastor of St. Paul’s On Sunday July 10, 2022 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church at Portland Ave S and 19th Ave will be celebrating 150 years of Jesus’ faithfulness and mission. That timespan takes us back to 1872, a mere seventeen years after Minneapolis was established, and the same year St. Anthony Falls and Minneapolis merged into one city. The proximity of Fort Snelling, built in 1819, was one of the major catalysts for the establishment of the two towns and their uniting into Minneapolis. 1872 was a mere four years prior to Custer’s defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Into this mix St. [...]

Wakan Tanka

by Peter Molenaar It took on the order of 200,000 years for humankind to develop a written language. Subsequently, “the word” accumulated in the form of scripture which in turn made literacy a requirement for entry into “the faith”. Hence, the emergence of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) within the once vast sea of illiteracy. Note: the various peoples of this neighborhood might do well to acknowledge that we all reside upon Dakota land. Prior to Abraham, prior even to the Druid elites of Pagan Europe, it was the vision quest which nourished the spiritual community. The trekker was rewarded by nature”'s unforeseen coincidences, including close encounters with curious animals. Such were the revelations of “the great spirit”. Note: A totem animal should be regarded as but one aspect of Wakan Tanka. Prior to the existence of life sustaining planets, was there a great spirit? Or, did mind emerge merely as a [...]

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