News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Thursday March 6th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Twins’


By Raymond Jackson and Dexter Jackson It is with great love and respect that we once again make the announcement, made three years ago, only by The Alley”'s sports prognosticators; that the next Minnesota Professional National Sports Champions, would not be the old man Brett Favre led Vikings; nor would it be the Kevin Garnettless Timberwolves”' nor would it be the NEW STADIUM brings champions, minded Twins, or the simply Tame Wild. No, as we stated, and the only sports team to state such; it would be, and did become, The WNBA Team, our Minnesota Lynx. Congratulations to each and every one of you, and big thanks for keeping The Alley newspaper on your appreciation list. Right now the sports scene is somewhat lucid, but there are some very tantalizing sports possibilities on the horizon. The one that hugely excites us is the emergence of our Minnesota Timberwolves. They have something that they have never had before and that being an experienced and down to earth Coach. [...]

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