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Thursday March 13th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘War of 1812’

Asa Clark Brown-Sawyer, Carpenter, and Veteran from the War of 1812 Seven children and three grandchildren served in Civil War Union Army

Asa Clark Brown-Sawyer, Carpenter, and Veteran from the War of 1812 Seven children and three grandchildren served in Civil War Union Army

By Sue Hunter Weir The War of 1812 is one of those subjects that most of us studied in high school but would be hard pressed to explain to anyone else. Part of the reason is that it was less of a war than a series of skirmishes that ranged from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico. We might remember that the British burned the White House, and that Dolley Madison was forced to run for her life having had the presence of mind to take a painting of George Washington with her. We might also remember that Frances Scott Key was inspired to write the Star-Spangled Banner after watching the British Navy bombard Fort McHenry. During the War of 1812 many soldiers were drafted to serve in militias, and the practice of sending a substitute to serve in one”'s place was not uncommon. One such substitute was Asa Clark Brown, who fought in place of a man whose last name was Thomas, first name unknown. In September of 1813, Asa Brown enrolled in Captain Adams”' Company of the [...]

Daughters of the War of 1812 , The Second War of Independence, will Honor Sergeant James Nettle

Daughters of the War of 1812 ,  The Second War of Independence, will Honor Sergeant James Nettle

By Sue Hunter Weir The Daughters of the War of 1812 will rededicate the marker of Sergeant James Nettle Glover, one of three confirmed War of 1812 veterans buried in Minneapolis Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery. The other two veterans, Asa Clark Brown and Walter P. Carpenter, will be honored in 2011 and 2012 respectively. John Carpenter, Walter”'s brother, may well turn out to be a War of 1812 veteran as well. If that turns out to be the case, four of the approximately 200 War of 1812 veterans known to have died in Minnesota will be buried in Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery. All of these veterans were interesting men, perhaps none more so than James Nettle Glover. Mr. Glover was born in Fort Tobacco, Maryland, in 1793. When the War of 1812 began, Mr. Glover enlisted; he was eventually promoted to sergeant. Following the war, Mr. Glover and all of his siblings, moved to St. Louis, Missouri. It was there that he met and married Elizabeth Dozier. One of the [...]

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