Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Sunday February 16th 2025

What”'s Up at the Franklin Community Library

1314 E. Franklin Avenue
952-847-2925 Ӣ www.hclib.org
 By Erin Thomasson
Hours: Tues & Thurs: 12 ”“ 8 pm
Wed, Fri & Sat: 10 am ”“ 6 pm

Children”'s Programs


ECFE: Reading Fun
Friday, June 1, 10:30”“11:30 a.m.
Register Online or call 612-543-6925. Infants-Preschool. Parents, bring your infants and preschoolers! Come and enjoy Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) sessions to learn fun, interactive activities you can do at home with your child to build literacy skills.  Presented in partnership with Minneapolis Public Schools Early Childhood Education.

Thursdays, June 14, 21 & 28, 2 ”“3 p.m.
Entering K-grade 6. Enjoy a variety of educational and fun puzzles and games!

Read the Book, See the Movie – for Kids
Friday, June 15, 2”“4 p.m.
Entering grades 3-6. So many books are being made into movies! Come watch the movie at the library and chat about the differences between the book and movie afterwards. Call to see what we’ll be reading and watching!

The Adventures of Juan Bobo
Wednesday, June 20, 10:30a.m.”“noon
Entering K-grade 6. Enjoy a colorful puppet show inspired by Puerto Rican folk character Juan Bobo, or “Foolish John,” who must set off to make things right again in a world turned upside-down. Performed in a combination of Spanish and English by Open Eye Figure Theater.  Funded by the Friends of the Hennepin County Library.

Family Storytime
Wednesdays, June 6, 13 & 20, 10:30”“11 a.m.
For children age 2 and up. Share books, stories, rhymes, music, and movement with your children.

Teen Programs.

Act Out for Teens: Acting Games for Beginners
Tuesday, June 12, 3”“4:30 p.m.
Registration required, begins May 15
. Register online or call 612-543-6925. Entering grades 6-9. Learn the tricks of the trade from an experienced Guthrie teaching artist. Rev up your creative juices, tune up your spontaneity and learn to stay in the moment. No experience necessary, but get ready to play!
This project is funded with money from Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Presented in collaboration with Guthrie Theater.

Game On! Gaming Fridays
Fridays, June 1”“Aug. 31, 3”“4 p.m.
Entering grades 6-12. Play PS2 or Wii games at the library! Grab a friend, bring your favorite board or card game, or play ours! Made possible by the Friends of the Hennepin County Library through a grant from The McKnight Foundation.

Movies for Teens
Fridays, June 1”“Aug. 31, 4”“6 p.m.
Entering grades 6-12. Movie titles are chosen by teens to ensure your viewing pleasure! Join us on our comfy Teen Center couches and get the big-screen cinema feeling from our projector equipment. Made possible by the Friends of the Hennepin County Library through a grant from The McKnight Foundation.


Game On! Gaming Tuesdays
Tuesdays, June 5”“Aug. 28, 3”“5 p.m.
Entering grades 6-12. Play PS2 or Wii games at the library! Grab a friend, bring your favorite board or card game, or play ours! Made possible by the Friends of the Hennepin County Library through a grant from The McKnight Foundation.


4-H Mentoring Club

Tuesdays through Aug. 28, 5”“7 p.m.
Entering grades 6-12. Learn about urban ecology, health and nutrition, sustainable agriculture and related careers in food science from adults and peer mentors. You also will maintain a community garden and visit local food enterprises. Made possible by the Friends of the Hennepin County Library through a grant from The McKnight Foundation. Presented in partnership with University of Minnesota.

Game On! Gaming Wednesdays

Wednesdays through Aug. 29, 3”“4 p.m.
Entering grades 6-12. Play PS2 or Wii games at the library! Grab a friend, bring your favorite board or card game, or play ours! Made possible by the Friends of the Hennepin County Library through a grant from The McKnight Foundation.

Art On!

Wednesdays through Aug. 29, 4”“6 p.m.
Entering grades 6-12. Art takes on many forms. Join us and explore your creativity! Sessions include time for independent work as well as projects led by guest artists. Made possible by the Friends of the Hennepin County Library through a grant from The McKnight Foundation.

Young Achievers

Thursdays, June 7”“Aug. 30, 4”“7 p.m.
Entering grades 6-12. Do you want to be involved in your community? Are you concerned about your health and lifestyle? Then bring your friends and come for poetry, arts, games and more! Made possible by the Friends of the Hennepin County Library through a grant from The McKnight Foundation; Presented in partnership with WellShare International.

Game On! Gaming ThursdaysThursdays, June 7”“Aug. 30, 3”“4 p.m.
Entering grades 6-12. Play PS2 or Wii games at the library! Grab a friend, bring your favorite board or card game, or play ours! Made possible by the Friends of the Hennepin County Library through a grant from The McKnight Foundation.


Adult Programs


Seniors Play-Reading Group
Friday, June 15, 10:30 a.m.”“12:30 p.m.
Join us for a stimulating morning of reading and discussion of some of the great plays of our heritage.
Presented in collaboration with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

Nonfiction Book Discussions for Elder Learners
Friday, June 15, 1”“3 p.m.
Join us for a stimulating discussion of nonfiction books. For additional information, call the library, 612-543-5475.  Presented in collaboration with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

Memoir Writing Group
Thursday, June 21, 12:30”“2 p.m.
Would you like to create a record of your personal history? Bring what you have written and are willing to read to the group for helpful comments and suggestions. Presented in collaboration with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

Phillips Technology Center

Register online for these classes and more at www.hclib.org or call 612.543.6925

Computer Skills Workshop
Thursdays, June 7 & 14, noon”“2 p.m. and Friday, June 8, 10 a.m.”“noon
Work on projects and practice skills from using the mouse and keyboarding to using email and Microsoft Office with our software instructors and volunteer assistants.


Social Networking: Basics
Friday, June 8, 1”“3 p.m.
Learn how to navigate the new generation of social media websites including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.


Microsoft Word: Basics
Thursday, June 14, 6-8 p.m.
Learn how to use the ribbon, enter and delete text, basic formatting, cut, copy and paste; and when to use ‘save’ and ‘save as.’

Franklin Learning Center: 952-847-2934

The Franklin Learning Center offers free, one-to-one tutoring for adults who are learning English and math, preparing for the GED and citizenship exams, and gaining life skills. We are always looking for community volunteers! No experience necessary; we provide training and materials. Contact us at 952-847-2934.

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