Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday February 14th 2025


By Patrick Cabello Hansel

St. Paul”'s Lutheran, working with partners throughout the neighborhood, is working on a project to create an Avenue of the Arts in Phillips, where residents and people who pass through will see the community as a living museum and arts studio, where many talents are lifted up and celebrated. The first leg of the proposed Avenue of the Arts will begin this summer, and will extend from In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre on Lake Street at 15th Avenue and two blocks north to St. Paul”'s Church on the corner of 28th Street and 15th Avenue.

“We have seen over and over how art can inspire and unite people,” Pr. Patrick Cabello Hansel of St. Paul”'s says. “Many people have stopped me to say ”˜we”'ve seen one of the mosaic flower planters in the neighborhood, and they make such a difference”'.” Through its Semilla arts program, St. Paul”'s has taught mosaic and mural arts to over 1,500 people, throughout Phillips, and increasingly in communities from St. Paul to Hopkins to Austin. Youth and adult participants are trained to see their neighborhood in a new way, and then create works of art that helps other see a new, transformed community.

This spring and summer, Semilla workshops will take place at a number of places, including Waite House, Division of Indian Work, Shalom Garden and St. Paul”'s Home, a 53-unit low-income apartment building for seniors, as well as in its youth programs and at neighborhood festivals. Throughout the year, there is a free open mosaic workshop every Wednesday night from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.

St. Paul”'s has a full schedule of programs for the community this summer, including:

Day camp for children 3-11: June 10-14, 10 am to 2pm.

Arts camp for youth 11-17, June 20-24 (times to be announced)

Block party July 27, 11 to 3 pm.

Thursday, July 18: Open Eye Figure Theatre, on the grass at St. Paul”'s, 7 pm.

In addition to the Wednesday open studio nights, youth may apply to one of two summer programs: Young Leaders, for youth 11-15, and Young Explorers for children 6-10. Young Leaders prepare for the job market and community leadership through a program that combines hands-on work experience, life skill classes and career visits to different employers in the city. Career Teams this summer are: Community Arts, Gardening and Greening and Community Organizing. Young Explorers will learn photography, painting and mosaic and explore the neighborhood.

For more information about any of these efforts, call 612-724-2862 or e-mail stpaulscreate@gmail.com. And “like” us at “Semilla Project” on Face Book!

These activities are made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund; and by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, and the City of Minneapolis Innovative Anti-Graffiti Program.

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