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Wednesday December 11th 2024

BYI Community Health Survey

WHY is the BYI Doing Research?

In 2009, the Backyard Initiative completed a Community Health Needs Assessment.  An assessment team was formed to create a picture of the current state of health and well-being of residents in the Backyard, engage a broad network of resident in the process, and inform and plan the next steps for the BYI.  The assessment team included community residents, staff from Allina Health, the Cultural Wellness Center and Wilder Research.

Based on the BYI Definition of Health and the Community Assessment, the following Priority Areas were identified:

  • Perceived stress: the degree to which situations in one”'s life are appraised as stressful.
  • Social support: the emotional, instrumental, and financial aid that is obtained from one’s social network. Support is generally considered as an exchange or transaction between people
  • Social cohesion: a feeling that members of a group have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members”' needs will be met through their commitment to be together
  • Healthy literacy: people”'s knowledge, motivation, and competencies to access, understand, appraise and apply health information in order to make judgments and make decisions concerning healthcare
  • Patient activation: the concept that patients have important roles to play in self-managing care, collaborating with providers, and maintaining their health

The BYI RESEARCH PLAN is designed to collect, analyze, and interpret health-related data identified as being important to the Backyard Community, and to disseminate the findings back to the Community, to stakeholders, and to those in other communities who could learn and benefit from our work.  Collecting and analyzing this information will add to our understanding of these health-related areas in Backyard Community and may be used to inform ongoing and future BYI activities and research. 

2013 BYI Research Plan 



WHERE: Survey Locations

  • Cultural Wellness Center: BYI Survey Host Orientation Session
  • Midtown Global Market: BYI All Community Health Action Team meeting
  • Cultural Wellness Center: Dakota and African-American participants rd
  • Phillips Community Center: A Partnership Of Diabetics (A-POD) Diabetes Breakfast- English and Spanish speaking sessions
  • Safari Restaurant: Project S.E.L.F (Save. Educate. Liberate. Free.) Somali and East African residents
  • Powderhorn Park Center: Out in the Backyard: Zumba class-English and Spanish speaking session
  • Hope Community Residents


  • 260 people attended the BYI Survey Sessions
  • 239 people took the BYI Community Health Survey
  • 206 people completed the BYI Community Health Survey

WHO Conducted and Interpreted the Community Health Survey?



Recommendations Stemming from the Community Health Survey

Recommendations for further study and activity were developed based on the BYI Analysis Team”'s discussion and interpretation of the results from the BYI Community Health Survey. The  BYI Community Commission on Health will review the findings and consider these recommendations in 2014 as it continues to pay attention to the community”'s health, build the community”'s capacity for taking responsibility for its own health, and supporting solutions for maintaining and improving health.



Come to the March 20th BYI All CHAT to learn more 

BYI All CHAT Meeting
Thursday, March 20
5:00 to 7:30 pm
Midtown Global Market
920 E. Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55407

Complete Community Health Survey reports are available upon request at:

Cultural Wellness Center
2025 Portland Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55407




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