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Tuesday March 4th 2025

Ingebretsen”'s Fall Events Encompass the Traditional to the Trending

Drinking horns, aquavit, lutefisk (pictured below), Runestone history, , bees, wax and soy candles

By Carstens Smith

October 4 to 11 is Sale Week for Ingebretsen”'s, an event that kicks off a series of talks, presentations, and demonstrations that celebrate both beloved traditions and emerging trends.

The art of the Viking era lives on with metalsmith Frank Vinson and his son, Spirit. The Vinsons make drinking horns and knives, intricately decorated with Viking-age designs. Spirit will speak on the history of drinking horns and the process of making one on Saturday, October 4 at 1:30. Both Vinsons will be at the store all day to speak with people individually about their handcrafted items.

Food traditionalists will enjoy a talk by Chris Dorff, the president of Olsen Fish Company, the world”'s largest lutefisk company. Chris will explain how lutefisk became associated with Christmas dinners, how it is processed, and the best was to prepare it. Olsen Fish Company also processes several flavors of pickled herring, which are carried by Ingebretsen”'s. Samples will be available. Chris will be at the store on Friday, October 10 at 1 pm. (Please call the store for reservations, 612.729.9333. The event is free, but we want to be sure to have a seat for you.)

One way to perk up a lagging conversation is to toss in a mention of the Kensington Runestone. Father and daughter researchers, Robert G. Johnson and Janey Westin have written The Last Kings of Norse America, Runestone Keys to a Lost Empire. They will speak about their research on an expedition sent to North America, decreed in 1354 by King Magnus of Norway and Sweden in an attempt to restore the lost fur and goods trade. Keys to this research are the author”'s complete and rigorous translations of the Kensington and Spirit Pond runestones. Their conclusions will give you new arguments about an old, but favorite, topic. The authors will be at Ingebretsen”'s on Thursday, October 9 at 2 p.m.

Distilled spirits have exploded in popularity and a new generation is developing an appreciation of the complex flavors they offer. Mike McCarron of Gamle Ode Aquavit will talk about the “water of life,” it”'s centuries-old traditions and contemporary ideas for incorporating Gamle Ode”'s selection of aquavits into cocktails and foods for seasonal entertaining. Join Mike on Saturday, October 4 at 2:00.

Bees are everyone”'s concern. Margarete Lucht will share her vast knowledge of bees and will demonstrate making beeswax candles on Friday, October 10 from 10:00 to 1:00. She is will talk with customers about the importance of bees and how you can contribute to their survival. Beeswax and soy candles produce far fewer by-products than petroleum-based candles and are free of phthalates and other synthetic ingredients that create harmful fumes. Local candlemakers rareEARTH will be at the store from 2:00 to 4:00 with their line of soy candles made with essential oils.

Food samples will be available daily throughout Sale Week and programming will continue through December. To learn about all of Ingebretsen”'s events, please stop by the store for a flyer at 1601 E. Laket Street or visit the web site,

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