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Tuesday December 10th 2024

Passles and galettes of green tomatoes cooked and tasted by Phillips aficionados, connoisseurs, and chefs

15th Annual Green Tomato Cook-off


Midtown Phillips neighbors and friends gathered for our 15th annual Green Tomato Cook-off at St. Paul”'s Lutheran Church on 15th Avenue and 28th Street on October 22nd to taste delectable green tomato dishes. We had three judges who assessed each dish based on taste/smell, eye appeal, practicality, and unique use of green tomatoes. We divide the dishes into three categories: Savory, Sauces/Condiments, and Sweets.

This year, while the dishes were fewer in number than in past years, the variety and tastiness did not fail us. Pastor Patrick and his kids took first place in the Sauces category with a wonderfully balanced green tomato and peach chutney. Second and third place in the Sauces category were won by Alice Paczkowski, who tried two versions of the same recipe, but with slightly different takes of the ingredients: one that was all fresh items from her garden and one that utilized some canned garlic and other semi-processed items.

There were no entries this year in the Sweets category, but some prior year entries remain memorable ”“ green tomato pie, and our all-time favorite, green tomato ice cream.

In the Savory category Sue-Hunter-Weir won second place with a hot dish that was deemed a unique presentation by the judges. First place was nabbed by Pastor Patrick with his exquisite kale and green tomato quiche ”“ both tasty and healthy for you.

Best of Show was Sue Hunter Weir”'s dish of galettes with green tomatoes. Cash prizes were given to each first place category winner and best of show winner. Other prizes were also handed out as well as ribbons for each of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

In addition to the entries for the categories, we continued our tradition of frying up a passle of green tomatoes. Paul Weir and Corrie Zoll also assisted Sue in this endeavor. Those attending said they were some of the most delicious fried green tomatoes they”'d ever had. Seconds and thirds made the rounds because folks just couldn”'t get enough of them.

While this year was an exception, held on the 4th Thursday of October, 2016 will have us back on the third Thursday in October at St. Paul”'s Lutheran Church. There is no entry fee and the contest is open to all. The only rules are the item must fit into one of the three categories: Sweet, Savory or Sauces/Condiments, and green tomatoes must figure into recipe. Green zebras are not allowed as they are green when ripe, and tomatillos are also not allowed as a main ingredient. Other than that, the possibilities are endless. So, start planning now for your entry in 2016.

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