The Semilla Arts Program of St. Paul”'s Lutheran announces the 2nd edition of “The Phoenix of Phillips” literary magazine. All writers””of any level””who live or work in Phillips are encouraged to submit their poetry, short stories (up to 1500 words) and essays for possible publication. The theme is “My Beautiful Community”, but work may be submitted on any subject.
“Semilla”, el Programa de Arte de la Iglesia Luterana San Pablo va a publicar la segunda edición del “Fenix de Phillips”. Todos los escritores””que sean aficionados o profesionales””que viven o trabajan en Phillips pueden presentar su poesia, cuentos (hasta a 1.500 palabras) y ensayos para su posible publicación. El tema es “Mi Comunidad Bonita”, pero puede presentar su escritura sobre cualquier tema.
Work may be submitted in languages other than Spanish or English, if accompanied by English translation.
Special categories for children 12 & under and teens!
¡Habrá una sección para niños y adolescentes!
Send your work by November 30: to
Manda tus obras antes del 30 de noviembre a:
Iglesia Luterana San Pablo””St. Paul”'s Lutheran Church
2742 15th Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55407
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
Special thanks to Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Assn. Inc.