Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Sunday February 9th 2025

Phillips Million Step Challenge

Together we can achieve amazing things! This summer let”'s walk together and take a million steps. None of us can do it alone but we can all be a part of making it happen when we join forces.

Phillips Wellness 50+, a movement for and by Phillips community members, has organized a walking group for this June and July. No matter what speed or distance you walk, this is for you. It will be a fun way to be with your neighbors and give you a chance to get fresh air and work your muscles.

We need you to make this challenge a success!

Here”'s how it works:

1. Come to the first group walk on June 7, 6:30 PM.  We”'ll meet in the lobby of Ebenezer Tower, 2523 Portland Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55404.  We”'ll give you a free pedometer and a tracking chart.

2. Then we will go out for our first group walk together: one group of easy-going “strollers” and another group of a bit more aggressive “striders”

3. Keep track of all your steps for a week on the tracking chart and bring it to the group walk the next week.

It”'s that easy. The group walk will be every Tuesday for eight Tuesdays starting June 7 at 6:30 PM meeting at Ebenezer Tower.  We will total all of our tracking chart steps for the eight weeks into one grand total.  We”'ll have over a million steps!  And we will all be healthier and a bit more connected.

For information or to sign up, contact Donna Nordin at 612-741-5180 or dnordin2@comcast.net.

See you on the 7th!

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