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Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday February 18th 2025

Isaiah 43:18-19a Mission drives: hard decision to sell Church, forgetting former things to do something new


On March 1st, Messiah Lutheran Church voted to put their historic church up for sale.

This has not been an easy decision but the reality is as a church community we could no longer afford to maintain the Historic church building. It is in need of several repairs and as a Church Community we discerned that our trying to maintain an aging building was not the best use of our resources.

Messiah is not the thriving Swedish Immigrant Church of the past. We are a diverse, vibrant, worshiping community of the present. Our ancestors discerned that their call was to share the Gospel, Love and Mission of Jesus Christ through service to our neighbors. This is still our mission and focus today as Messiah Lutheran Church. We strive to fulfill that mission by building beloved community in Christ, one person at a time.

Selling the church will enable us to continue our mission.

We are open to anyone who would like to buy the property.

I am very saddened by the outcry of members of the community who have not contributed to help maintain the building, who did not show up to listening sessions that were published on our webpage and in various printed materials, yet feel they have a voice in what may happen to the property.

Moving forward I hope we can come together and celebrate the Sacred Words of Isaiah 43:18-19a “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am about to do something new.”

Louise Britts is Pastor of

Messiah Lutheran Church



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