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Tuesday February 18th 2025

MULTI-BLOCK LAND USE COVENANT Between Phillips Neighborhood and Neighborhood Health Related Organizations

Covenant: 1. A formal, solemn and binding agreement. 2. A written agreement or promise usually between two or more parties, especially for the performance of some action.  It is a declaration of intent by all parties who sign, to help each other achieve mutual objectives.

This covenant is a voluntary commitment made by individuals to themselves and to others.

Recognizing that all p[arties see mutual advantages of having strong sustainable medical facilities located in the Phillips Neighborhood and a stable surrounding residential area, we hereby enter into this relationship and goals.

  1. This covenant is between Phillips Neighborhood ”“ (Districts 1 & 3 [Now called Phillips West and Midtown Phillips], Abbott Northwestern Hospital”'s Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and all affiliated health organizations that operate under these organizations:
  2. Allina Health System
  3. Abbott Northwestern Hospital
  4. Children”'s Hospitals and Clinics-Minneapolis and their successors.

The intent is to influence the location of other health facilities that operate, share land or have some service relationship with Allina Health System, Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Children”'s Hospitals and Clinics-Minneapolis or its affiliates.

  1. This agreement covers land use and physical development, safety and liveability and other issues of mutual concern as they may arise.
  2. The parties to this agreement have the following shared goals for what should happen to the blocks surrounding the health use related campus. (Blocks numbered are keyed to the attached map.)

Block 1: This block should be designated for mixed use including light industry in the former Sears warehouse; and retail, housing, parking and health related uses/expansion in the remainder of the site should property become available.

Block 2: This block is now part of the health relate complex.

Blocks 3 & 4: These blocks should be retained as solid residential and efforts should be taken to keep them residential and owner occupied.  It is recognized that the NW corner at 27th and Chicago has several small businesses which should be retained but not expanded.

Block 5: This block contains a desirable level of mixed use commercial and residential that should be maintained.  Keep up appearance and rehab buildings as necessary.

Block 6: This block contains solid housing structures.  Vacant land should be developed as residential, home ownership should be fostered and existing housing should be rehabbed as necessary.  Ramp expansion is discouraged.

Block 7: Currently contains Four Winds School and Phillips Eye Institute.  Expansion of either facility should be confined to this block.

Blocks 8, 9, 10, & 11: These blocks are solid residential and affirmative efforts should be taken to keep them residential and home ownership should be fostered.  It is recognized that Block 8 contains three health related uses (TAMS, Walk-In Counseling and Walker Nursing Home), however, no additional property should be taken for health/institutional use.

Block 12: This block contains Stewart Park and Anderson School.  This use should remain as; support retaining park green space.

Block 13: This block is solid residential and affirmative steps should be taken o keep it residential and to foster home ownership.

Block 14: Property on this block should be upgraded and/or redeveloped as owner occupied housing in conjunction with proposed development of Midtown Greenway.

  1. /support services (versus direct patient care/services). The intent is also to use such buildings where they support the overall development objectives of the neighborhood.  While approval will no longer be required for properly zoned commercial structures, proposed use of commercial buildings will continue to be brought to the neighborhood and CAC for timely discussion.
  2. Efforts will be made to make new buildings/structures on the campus sensitive to and compatible with residential uses where residential uses are across the street. Efforts will also be taken to minimize other problems such as noise, traffic, etc.  that may impact adjoining residential areas.
  3. All parties commit to aggressively support implementation of this agreement. Such support will include but not be limited to the following types of activities:
  • Mutual support of and/or initiatives in redevelopment efforts that conform to development goals of Parts C, D & E (i.e. Home Ownership Program).
  • Withholding of financial/political/affiliational support to projects that would conflict with the development goals of Parts C, D & E.

Special efforts will be taken to influence the location of health related businesses that are not party to this agreement.  (Example of such uses include: Minneapolis heart Institute, Institute for Low Back Care, medical office buildings, group homes and treatment programs, community clinics, nursing homes and ancillary facilities.)  All parties to this agreement will use their full resources to discourage location of health facilities that do not conform to this agreement.

  1. All parties to this agreement commit to ongoing communication with surrounding residents to:
  • Seek input as facility changes occur
  • Include surrounding residents in planning and decision making
  • Help prevent/resolve problems.
  1. All parties recognize the mutual benefit that implementation of this agreement has to improving neighborhood liveability and stabilization of the residential community. For example:
  • Promoting Block Clubs
  • Supporting Community Policing
  • Cooperative relationships with Abbott Northwestern”'s Security
  • Patronage of neighborhood businesses
  1. Phillips Neighborhood residents be encouraged and given preference in employment opportunities; i.e. Train to Work programs.

All parties agree to this Multi-Block Agreement with signature of their official representative:

  1. Allina Health System: Robert K. Spinner, System Vice President and President Allina Hospitals
  2. Abbott Northwestern Hospital: Mark Dixon, Administrator
  3. Phillips Eye Institute: Shari Levy: President
  4. Children”'s Hospitals and Clinics-Minneapolis: Brook Nelson, President
  5. Abbott Northwestern”'s Advisory Committee: Susan Anderson, Co-Chair; Mark Billman, Co-Chair
  6. Phillips Neighborhood: Mark Billman, Chai District 1; Beth Hart, Chair District 2.

Revised 4/98

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