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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday September 9th 2024

Frank Reflections: The Korean Dilemma

Self-defense is a “slippery slope”


The “scholars” are debating if the United States of America can “legally” attack North Korea and claim it is an act of self-defense.  Why is it those same “scholars” never talk about people”'s right to attack the USA in self-defense?

How can you continue to kill people claiming self-defense, when your very existence comes from murdering those who had the right of self-defense against you?

How can the U.S. government claim the right to kill in self-defense when Native Americans and their right to self-defense should have taken down the U.S. government a long time ago?

All of this “warring” has nothing to do with self-defense.  Why can”'t Cuba “war” upon North Korea in self-defense?

Self-defense is a “slippery slope,” especially when those with the biggest bombs keep claiming to have the right to use it.  How many use violence in self-defense if they don”'t see a chance at winning the fight?

What does the future hold?  Nothing but “winners of wars” claiming self-defense.”

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