Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Sunday February 9th 2025

“What goes up must come down.” ”¦Isaac Newton: BARRICADES UP, BARRICADES DOWN

To Barricade or not to Barricade

We now have the answer


In spite of overwhelming Neighborhood, Police and City support for removing the Barricades between Bloomington Ave. and 16th Ave. S. on E 25th St., a third community meeting on the question was called on Aug. 30. A community vote was finally taken and the outcome was nearly unanimous.

The long and the short of the decision is that in mid-September, probably before this issue of the Alley comes out, the city will take down the barricades, ending the decade- long experiment. This will be coordinated with fall street sweeping to clean up the area. In addition, if all goes according to the community”'s stated desires, E. 25th St. will be made a West bound one-way between 16th Avenue So. and Bloomington Ave. with no parking on the North side of the block and Permit Only Parking temporary Traffic Circle was decided upon for the intersection of E. 25th St. and 17th Ave. S. to slow traffic. The temporary Traffice Circle was installed Sept.20th. The Super America store on Bloomington Av. at 25th St. will try to coordinate a one-way traffic flow through its station to accommodate the one way on E. 25th St.

EPIC and the community will attempt to raise the $10,000 dollars to make the traffic circle permanent. Donations for this purpose will be sought and appreciated. Checks may be made payable to EPIC with “Traffic Circle” in the memo line and sent to EPIC, 2536 18thAve. S., Mpls., MN 55404.

The community hopes that these changes will help alleviate the drug and prostitution scene currently ensconced there and that neighbors will once again be able to walk to and from the store safely.

Carol Pass is a Phillips resident and President of East Phillips Improvement Coalition

A Traffic Circle at East 25th St. and 17th Av. agreed upon by neighbors, City of Mpls. and Mpls. continuing efforts starting 10 years ago to affect change in illicit drug & human trafficking. A temporary version of the island and signage has been installed as l. looking eastward and r. looking westward on East 25th St.

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