By ROSELLA DePIETRO, Hennepin History Museum

Hennepin History Museum presents Hidden Gems, an exhibit of paintings, prints, collages, and drawings by pioneers of Minnesota’s modern art that span the twentieth century. These works are from the Museum’s permanent collection and were recently “rediscovered” through a cataloging project. Twenty-five “hidden gems,” representing a range of media, subject, and styles, are on exhibit through July and offer viewers a look at the kinds of artifacts retained by the Museum.
If you haven’t been to the Museum before, now is the perfect time; the exhibit galleries are “Pay as You Can” to reflect the Museum’s desire to be as accessible and inclusive as possible – for those who can pay, your contribution helps ensure all can enjoy the stories of the diverse history of people in Hennepin County.
Visiting the Museum:
Hennepin History Museum, 2303 Third Avenue South, Minneapolis is on MTC’s #11 High Frequency Route. Free parking is available at the Museum and on Third Avenue. Visiting requires use of stairs. Open Thursdays and Fridays: 10 am – 3 pm; Saturdays 10 am – 5 pm.