Dancing In the Water: An Intergenerational Introduction to Synchronized Swimming
Saturdays, April 1, 8 and 15
12 – 2 PM
Phillips Aquatic Center
2323 11th Ave S
Explore movement in the water with the Subversive Sirens at the Phillips Aquatic Center, inside the Phillips Community Center! All levels of swimming ability are welcome, and if you don’t have a swim suit, don’t worry, the aquatic center has culturally appropriate swim attire available for use. Learn some basics of synchronized swimming and then show off your new moves in a routine for a Community Celebration on April 15. Instruction in Spanish and English. Space is limited and RSVPs are required, which you can do here: bit.ly/DancingInTheWater. To attend the Community Celebration, register at https://mixedblood.com/product/12×12-phillips.
The Sirens are a synchronized swim team committed to Black liberation, equity in swimming, radical body acceptance & queer visibility whose home pool is the Phillips Aquatic Center. This program is part of the Mixed Blood Theatre 12 x 12 program pairing artists in community in 2023.
The Ways We See It
Saturdays, April 1-29
Vine Arts Center Gallery
2637 27th Avenue South
The Vine Arts Center is pleased to present The Ways We See It: Selections From Four Vine Arts Center Photographers, an exciting and provocative exhibit of photographic images captured by photographers John Box, Edie Karras, Rubin Latz, and Raven Miller.
The exhibit will be held at the Vine Arts Center Gallery on the second floor of the Ivy Arts Building, with an opening on April 1st from 6pm to 9pm, and additional opportunities to view the work on Saturdays from 11am to 5pm.
Vine Arts Center is a non-profit, member-run organization supporting emerging and established artists, partnering with the community, and providing space and support for visiting shows and events.
Spring Break Ultimate Sports Sampler
Wednesday April 5
Phillips Park Community Center
2323 11th Avenue S
6:30 – 8:30 PM
Come join us for a Sports Sampler! During spring break, we will try out different sports and recreational games such as Football, Kickball, Badminton, and maybe even Archery. We will do it all and have fun doing it!
Community Connect: All About Eggs
Friday April 7
East Phillips Park Recreation Center
2307 S 17th Avenue
6:30 – 8 PM
Join us for a fun evening outside with your family and friends. Bring a basket to collect eggs, design your own eggs, do some fun arts and crafts, play games – including an egg drop competition! It will be a great way to celebrate spring!
Piitwewetam: Making is Medicine
April 10 – June 10
All My Relations Arts
1414 E Franklin Avenue

One of the gifts of being human is to love. We love so deep and so forever that generations forthcoming can feel our love. Another gift of being human is to grieve: a most natural and challenging response to a loss. This is the story of an Anishnaabe family’s journey of love and grief and grief and love.
Piitwewetam: Making Is Medicine presents work by the Gustafson family: Shannon, Ryan, Justine, and Jade, in a commemorative exhibition honoring their son and brother, Piitwewetam (Rolling Thunder), also known as the late Jesse Gustafson, who traveled to the spirit world in 2015. As an Anishnaabe family, the act of giving is an integral part of their life. When we give, we are enacting a sacred law that acknowledges life. In Anishnaabe tradition, a part of the grief ceremony is gifting. This beautiful exhibition acknowledges all of the good life, including relationships, teachings, singing, and dancing, that Jesse experienced when he was here on Earth. Each piece in this exhibition will be gifted to friends and family. These gifts come from kindness, from a deep love that honors Piitwewetam. More information and hours at https://allmyrelationsarts.com.

Puppet Fashion Show
April 13 – 16
Avalon Theatre
1500 E Lake Street
$25 – $45
Heart of the Beast is excited to present Puppet Fashion Show, an evening of fashion themed mini puppet performances at the Avalon.
The show will be structured like a puppet cabaret but with the specific theme of a fashion runway. Instead of simply displaying the fashion or walking the runway, artists will be puppet-ing their pieces, with the collection telling some kind of story.
Fabulous MCs will host and musicians will provide additional entertainment, and Friday’s performance will have ASL interpretation, with masks required. See you there! Tickets and information: https://hobt.org/puppet-fashion-show.
Puppet Lab: A Festival of New Work
April 21 – 30
Open Eye Theatre
506 E 24th Street
$10 – $15
Open Eye Theatre presents Puppet Lab, a two-week festival of new work featuring performances by this year’s residency artists — Kate Tobie, Tri Vo, Alex Young and Jennings Mergenthal. Puppet Lab is an artist incubator celebrating its 11th year of radical, genre-expanding, boundary–pushing puppet work. A limited number of $10 Economic Accessibility tickets are available. If not sold out, a limited number of $5 tickets will be available at the door. Age recommendation: 14 and up. Tickets and information: www.openeyetheatre.org.