Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday February 24th 2025

Freedom of Expression


My freedom of expression is in my hair and I don’t care what other people think
when I wear my afro, dreadlocks, twists and braids
or even if I chose to wear finger waves.

I am free to be me. That is all I can be.

If I wake up with a nappy head
please understand I just got out of bed.

I can use the pressing comb on the stove
or curling iron, then don a bow
to pretty myself all up for you,
if that is what I wanted to do.

But it’s not about you, it’s all about me.
I am free to be me. That’s all I can be.

If I don’t want to straighten my naps,
I could just put on a baseball cap
or a winter hat if it is cold outside.
The choice is mine and that’s no jive.

Bobbie pins, barrettes and rubber bands
used to be at my command
when I was younger wearing ponytails and plaits.
I was too young for wearing church hats
on a Sunday morning or a Saturday
but I could tie a ribbon any day.

If I chose the chemical way
I could use a relaxer any day
or a jheri curl for the greasy look
It’s as easy as reading a book.

If nothing is appealing to my eyes,
then I just accessorize
with a headband, veil or a scarf, you know,
to put on over my afro.

When there is nothing left to be done or said,
I don my hair bonnet and go to bed.

I’m free to be me, that is all I can say.
Maybe I’ll brush my hair another day!

About Danette: I am the former Board Chair of the Phillips West Neighborhood Association. I love this community, and I am lucky enough to be able to work within walking distance of home. I have worked here at Ebenezer Park Apartments for the past seven years. I write what I see. And I see a strong, vibrant community coming together everyday to support those around us.

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