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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday July 17th 2024

149th Memorial Day at Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery: “Taking a Stand” on Memorial Day 2017


The longest running tradition in Minneapolis Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery is our Memorial Day (or, as it was called prior to 1971, Decoration Day) program.  As near as we can tell, this was our 149th observance, and, despite some on-again, off-again showers, it was one of our best.  Our keynote speaker, Major Grant McCall, took as his theme “Taking a Stand,” the theme that students who participated in this year”'s History Day competition focused on.  He spoke about courage and leadership and paid special tribute to the men of the First Minnesota who fought at Gettysburg, the battle that is generally acknowledged to have been the turning point in the Civil War.  He brought the message closer to home with stories of his grandfather”'s service, and the service and sacrifices of his own colleagues.  It was a beautiful and heartfelt speech.

Each year”'s service is the work of many volunteers and participants.  Students from the Minnesota Transitions School, Scouts from Troops 1 and 82, the Seward Community Concert Band, and members of American Legion Post One.  And this year, an anonymous Phillips resident, sent a beautiful wreath in honor of the veterans.  Please join us for next year”'s program””our 150th.

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